24. Regret

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I paced around the living room, sweat drops on my forehead as I held the crumbled flyer in my hand. I had to check about a hundred times that I read the text right. It couldn't be.

It can't be.

Okay, first of all I was shocked to see what I was reading; 'What to do when expecting?'. I wasn't dumb. I knew it meant being pregnant. But Ava pregnant? She was on birth control. I knew it because even I had to remind her some morning to take the pill. As fas as I was concerned I knew she never let a pill untaken. She was super careful with everything.

The second thing; 'Abortion?'. She was going to do an abortion? That was the part that made me feel sick. I was an accident myself and my mom was pushed towards abortion but she didn't want to do it. She wanted to keep me and give me a good life and it killed me to know that Ava didn't want the same. Or did she? I didn't know!

Thirdly; she didn't tell me. Why? Was she about to do an abortion without telling me first? Without even letting me talk about the subject with her? And that part alone made me so mad, too mad. I felt sick to my stomach about all of this. Why didn't she tell me?

What if it's Abbie's? What if I'm freaking out over nothing. Maybe Abbie just left the flyer here accidentally. But she already announced about their second baby so it's not hers.

I stopped to think, running my fingers through my tangled hair, wanting to kick a pillow so hard the feathers would just pop out of the fabric.

It must be Alex's. She doesn't have a boyfriend so that would be the reason to do an abortion. Easy. It must be hers.

I opened the flyer from the small crumbled ball and read it through once again. I cringed everytime I read the word 'abortion'. I wasn't against abortion but if every woman who got pregnant by accident did an abortion, I wouldn't be here myself.

But again, I wasn't sure if I was even ready to be a father. Was the baby even mine?

What the hell is going on?

I jolted very visibly when I heard keys jingling outside the front door. I panicked as I realized Ava didn't know I was here.

The door opened and Ava stepped in, soon switching the lights on after pushing the door shut. The lights flicked on and lit up the whole apartment. As soon as her gaze hit my figure, she squealed loudly almost dropping her keys on the floor.

"What the hell?" she shouted, panting completely breathless.

I didn't say anything. I was panting just as much as she was, only it was because I was furious. I looked at her, frowning, crumbling the small flyer in my hand.

"Justin, wha- You can't just come here whenever you want. You need to call me first." she sighed, shaking her head as she put her keys on the dresser but then suddenly stopping like she had seen a ghost.

But she didn't see anything because the dresser was empty. And she knew excactly what should've been there.

"I tried to call you, at least ten times." I stated, coldly before I continued, "Looking for this?"

And then I tossed the crumbled flyer near her feet, it rolling a few times before touching Ava's toes. She looked down at the paper ball, pressing her lips together like she couldn't speak.

"Is it yours?" I asked her, trying to control myself just a little longer.

But she still didn't say anything. She just stared at the floor, absolutely speechless.

Unconditional (Sequel to Senior Year - jb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora