{Chapter 2} Dinner with the Dursely's

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My father came down the stairs wearing a nice shirt and dress pants. We put on our shoes then linked arms, heading out the door.

Once on the doorstep, we rang the doorbell. The door was answered by Harry, who also had changed into nicer clothing. He grinned at me, and opened to door wider to let us in.

We were immediately met by Mrs. Dursely, who was continuously fussing over how "horrendous" her house was, and we'd have to "excuse the mess."

"The Dursely household was anything but messy, unlike ours. Our house still had boxes strewn everywhere needing to be unpacked. The house was of similar shape and size as ours as well, most likely made by the same developer.

Their home matched their garden; pretty, but somehow fake-looking. Their kitchen table had five seats and the table was set and waiting for us. There were telly's (A/N: tv) everywhere and a plump boy was sitting on the floor in the living room watching a cartoon on of the many television sets.

Mrs. Dursely called the boy over. He waddled to his mother. When he was in his mother's arms, she started to affectionately pet his hair. I involuntarily shuddered, glad she wasn't my mother.

"Dudley, this is Mallory. She's our neighbor next door! Be a dear and show her around," Mrs. Dursely said.

Dudley was a carbon copy of his father, minus the mustache, so it startled me when his second-chin neck quickly and quite violently turned to look up at his mother and say, or should I say yell,"Make Harry do it. I wanna watch the telly!"

Wow... What a brat! I mean, its pretty obvious that I would much rather Harry showed me around, but Dudley didn't even say hi! I crossed my arms, signalling to Mrs. Dursely that what her son had said had indeed upset me.

Catching the hint, she turned to her son and said," Now Duddy, that's now way to say hello! Tell this nice girl hello and then you can go back to your show."

He sighed, extremely peeved his show was being delayed. He turned to me and very dully said,"Hi, I'm Dudley."

I gave him my best smile in hopes of him being nice and said,"Hi! I'm Mallory! I'm going to be in year 2 with you and Harry when school starts! (A/N: that's probably not the right age level for seven year olds, but I don't live in London, I only know I slight amount of slang)"

Completely ignoring me, he trudges to the living room without checking with his flabbergasted mother if he was excused to leave. Mrs. Dursely quickly recovered, though, taking us to the kitchen. Harry was standing there politely, as if waiting for someone to tell him what to do.

"Harry dear," Petunia's voice had changed to stale candy floss again. "Why don't you show Mallory around while we wait for Vernon to finish with the grill."

My stomach plummeted. We forgot to tell the Durselys about me being a vegetarian. I look to my father for help, who gave me a nod and an encouraging smile. I relaxed. Dad would handle it. I turn to help who responded, "Yes, Aunt Petunia."

Harry grabbed my hand, pulling me into the foyer to start with the tour. He turned to me with a proud gleam and said, "This is my room."

He pointed to a door under the stairs. I looked at him confused. He smiled at me and turned the knob on the door. It swung open slightly to reveal a space that looked slightly bigger than it did when just staring at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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