{Chapter 1} New Friend

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{A/N: just an FYI- for now this book will entirely be told in Mal's point of view. I haven't decided on if there will be different points of views in future books in this series, but it is a possibility}

     I looked next door out my window to see a small boy sitting on his back porch with his head in his hands. I know I've only been here a day, but I really want to get to know him. I can just sense that we're going to be good friends.

     "Dad! I'm going next door to make new friends!" I shouted.

     "Okay! Just be back before dinner. And NO MAGIC!" he yelled back from his room upstairs.

     Instead of answering and promising no magic would be used, I ran out the back door into our yard.

     I looked at the landscaping in disgust. The people who had this house before us had horrible taste in plants, and I definitely plan on fixing that later. I crossed to the white picket fence. Our side looked quite vile to be honest. The paint was chipping and the wood was starting to rot. On the other side where the mysterious boy sat, was the opposite.

     The landscaping was beautiful and the fence looked so perfectly white, it looked as if it were painted yesterday. I leaned up against the fence and stared at the boy for a bit. I realized that he didn't seem old as I thought now that he was up close.

     I am almost 7 1/2, and I thought this boy was the same age, but now I'm not so sure. He was extremely skinny, almost too skinny to be healthy. His clothes were also extremely baggy, as if they were 3 times his size. His jet black hair looks as if its never even heard of a hair brush, let alone seen one. The poor boy seemed so out of place in the perfect garden in the backyard of his house. He looked so, alone. Well, I was about to fix that.

     "Hello!" I called out to the boy. He lifted his head, startled. His bright green eyes looked around, confused, until they focused on me. He squinted through his broken glasses, as if unsure I was really there. I gave him a toothy grin, which caused him to grin as well.

     "Who're you?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him. He warily looked back at his house then ran to the fence. "No one's ever lived in that house before.

     "Ohh," I said. "THAT explains the dreadful shrubbery. They're quite ugly. Anyway, I'm Mallory, but you can call me Mal. My full name is Mallory Susan Pevensie."

     He blinked, surprised by my rush of words. I tend to talk a lot when I'm nervous. "I-I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

     "That's such a cool name! Mine's kinda boring if you ask me," I said.

     "You say that, but I know 6 different Harry's at my primary school," he said with a laugh.

     "How old are you? I'm 7 1/2," I say, matter-of-factly.

     "I turn 7 on July 31st," he said sheepishly.

     "Oh, wow! That means you're one of the youngest! Also, one of the smartest," I say with a wink.

     "Uncle Vernon doesn't think I'm very smart," Harry said, mumbling. He stared at his feet all of a sudden, as if they were extremely interesting.

     "Who's that?" I asked. Before he could open his mouth to tell me, I got my answer. A bellowing voice coming from #4 yelled, "Get away from the fence, boy! Come inside! NOW!"

     Harry's face paled, making it obvious he was very frightened.

     "THAT'S Uncle Vernon. It was nice to meet you Mal," he quickly said. He ran to the back door and onto the porch. He turned back to look at me, so I quickly gave him a smile and a wave. He gives me a timid smile before opening the door and entering the house, leaving me alone outside.

Mallory Pevensie and the Next Door NeighborWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt