Chapter Three..

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Harry's P.O.V

I heard cries, i ran up stairs and saw a carrot outside Tierneys room, looks like Louis was in there. I walked up to the door frame, Tierney lay down quickly after seeing me, i didnt know what they where doing though, probibily nothing important.

"Um..Er..Shes was upset about the whole breakup think so i gave her a..a hug?" Louis stuttered.

"its okay man, it was just a hug, everyone hugs"

"i know, just incase you thought we where duno, kissing? cause i would never kiss you sister Haz i would never even think about being attracted to her!!"

"Lou, i said it was okay, yous are aloud to hug"

I know that it may have looked like the where kissing but i know Lou, he would never kiss someone at this moment. He broke up with Eleanor a few days ago after their 7month relationship so i knew he was a wreck.

I went down the stairs with a hop in my step as my foot touched every second step. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Their was a weird orange carton sitting their. I picked it up and poured some into a glass without reading the label. I took a sip of the juice and realised it wasnt orange juice. I read the carton and it was labled 'Carrot Juice'. Ohh Louis.

I wanna be drunk when i wake up,

On the rightside of the wro-

I checked the caller ID 'Muma Tommo'. I answered.

(H for Harry & J for Muma Tommo)

"Hey Johanna!!" - H

"Hiya Harry love, I hear your little sister is back?" - J

"Yeh, Howd you- ohh yeh my mum" - H

"Yep, I was thinking about popping down sometime through the next 2weeks with Lottie to catch up with you and Louis and obvcourse to see the new Styles!!"

"Yeh sure, but erm..shes not a Styles, one her and dad moved away they changed their last names to Marks so Tierney would never find out, but then the fire happened" - H

"Ohh, im sorry lovie-" - J

"No no no Jo, dont be sorry you never knew" - H

"Okay love, send my love to Louis and Tierney, take care" - J

"Will do, tell the girls we'll pop down through the summer holidays so then all the Tommo clan can meet her" - H

"Okay, Bye bye" - J

"Byeee!" - H

i hung up the phone and sat it on the table. Louis walked in.

"Ohh hey Lou, your mum called her and Lottie are going to come down through the next 2weeks and stay for a while i think, they want to have a catch up and meet Tear"

"Oh thats great, cant wait to see little Lottie, ohh and obviously my mum"

Louis smiled cheekily and went over and picked up the glass of carrot juice. Louis coughed.

"I see you have been drinking my carrot juice, and who gave you the permission to drink it anyways?!" Louis had a serious look on his face.

"Boobeear, im sorry, how can i make it up to you?" Louis blushed, he loved it when i called him boobear.

"Hm..maybe you cou-"

Louis stopped halfway through his sentence when he heard Tear, it sounded like she was being sick. I rushed up the stairs and Louis followed behind me. I opened the bathroom door to see Tierney leaning over the toilet. She was throwing up.

Tierney's P.O.V

Louis had left to go find Harry. I sat up and started thinking to myself. Louis and I kissed. We KISSED. Court, Skii and I all loved One Direction. Courts favourite was Niall, and Skii's favourite was Harry, which i found rather odd since Harry is my brother now, and My favourite was Louis. I still cant believe Louis kissed me, and it was perfect. It felt like i was melting away in his arms, his lips were soft and tasted like plu- WAIT. Louis is dating Eleanor. Louis would never cheat on Eleanor but he kissed me?

I continued thinking about the situation for a while and turned to tv on and started to flick through some channels. MTV news came on, I tried to watch the tv but i was too busy thinking untill i heard..

"Shocker News is that One Direction's Louis Tomlinson has broken it off with Hollister model Eleanor Calder!!"

They had broken up? why didnt Lou tell me?

"..aeven after he took Eleanor upto the top of the Effiel Tower and told her he loves her"

Why wasnt i told? Tear calm down, calm down, maybe he doesnt know how to tell you..

" member and best mate Harry Styles even said that they where 'Like a old married couple'"

Maybe hes just upset or confused and wants to sort things out before telling you.

Before i could answer myself I got up and ran to the bathroom, somehow i had to throw up. Im never sick. I heard footsteps coming up the steps and rush into where i was.

"Tear, are you okay?" Harry looked concerned.

"Erm Harry? sorry to burst your bubble but i dont think she would be okay if she was being sick.." Louis replied to Harry before i could.

I giggled lightly.

"Yeh im fine, just felt a bit queasy but im fine now" I replied.

I knew exactly what was wrong with me. The boys cant find out.

Louis' P.O.V

"Yeh im fine, just felt a bit queasy but im fine now" Tierney replied.

Harry and I left, taking her word. We where half way down the stairs when we heard a high pitched scream.



Hehe, cliffhanger :) so.. what dyou thinks happened?




PLEASE? new character coming soon<3

follow me on twitter - @abbytomlinson_

~ abbyt:)

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