Chapter Five..

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I showed the woman my ticket and passport as she asked. She let me through and i took my seat not expecting who to find beside me.

Skii Evans.

"Hey Skii.."

"Yes..Oh hey Harry, what you doing here?"

"too go kick Tylers arse" I replied harshly "No, Skii im sorry for replieing like that its just..Tierneys pregnant, Tylers the dad.."

"WHAT?!? shes pregnant, i need to say sorry for ignoring her lately, she doesnt deserve this, she deserves the most support she can get at this moment, as soon as we land in saying sorry..then kicking my brothers ass with you."

"Thanks Skii" I smiled at her, she smiled back.


Harry's P.O.V

The plane landed in Glasgow a few hours later. I got in a taxi that was waiting outside.

"Where abouts you going?" - Driver.

"378 Doys Street" - Me. (sorry if thats a real address)

The car journey seemed like ages but didnt really take that long. We soon reached the house and I gave the driver £20 and to keep the change. I rushed out of the taxi and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

 Tyler's P.O.V

I just got finished into getting changed then the door went, i ran down stairs hopeing for it to be Skii. I opened the door just to find him.


"We need to talk. Now" - Harry.

I gulped, the sound of his voice made me nervous, what would he want to talk about? me and Tierney broke up a a day and a half ago so maybe it was about that?

"Sure, come in, take a seat"- Me.

Harry went and sat down on the couch, i sat beside him.

"So what did you want to talk about Harry?"

"I think you know"

"No Harry,I dont know, Has something happened?"

 "Shut up Tyler. You act like you dont know."

"But thats the thing Harry, I dont have a clue"

"Should have thought about that before you put your dick in my sister then shouldnt you?!"

Harry was getting angry, the anger in his eyes was obvious, how would he know about stuff personal like that?

"Harry, im sure youve had you-know-what before, everyone does in life"

"Yeh, but guys dont get up the duff"

What did he just say? Probibly just a joke.

"What dyou meen? is it a joke?"

"Tyler, you really are thick. Tierneys up the duff"

I froze - no she cant be, she cant be pregnant.

"Your kidding right?"



Harry stood up and grabbed me from the throut and pinned me up against the wall.


"BUT IM NOT READY TO BE A DAD!!" - I yelled back, i wasnt sure how he would react.

Harry pushed me harder onto the wall and punched me in the jaw. I groaned from pain and held my hand up to where i had been punched.


"it was to show you how much of afucking prick you are, shouldve put a condom on then Tyler, shouldnt you?" those where Harrys last words to me right now, he went to go walk out but he turned around and punched my nose, kicked me in the stummach and spat on me then left.

Harrys P.O.V

"it was to show you how much of afucking prick you are, shouldve put a condom on then Tyler, shouldnt you?" those where my last words to Tyler right now, I went to go walk out but turned around and punched his nose, kicked him in the stummach and spat on him then left.

I took out my phone and decided to text Louis.

Thats him delt with, if he was tht stupid n came anywere near Tear or me, then he'd be dead. - Hazza xx

I called for a taxi and they said they would be here soon.


Sorry this chapters really short but i just wanna say that im thinking about putting this story on hold for a bit because i dont know what im going to do with the rest of this because ive missed out a big part of this though, but after i concentrate on my new story thats going to be out very soon - maybe even today:), i really hope my next story plans out the way i want it to be, its a Harry Styles love story though:) i just love me some Harry Styles<3

bye guys, but thanks for voteing and becoming a fan.


hahaa, kidding but it will be a while before this story starts up again..


~abby:) *follow me on twitter - @abbytomlinson_ - thanks:)*

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