Chapter One- Lilli's Point of View

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Lilli's Point of View.

I run throw the woods snow crunching under my feet. My long brown hair flys behind me and my blue eyes glisten with tears. I glance back to see if they're still following me. Then there's nothing under me feet and I fall. I roll down a hill, bump into trees then fall once more. I grab onto a tree branch to avoid falling to my death. Then I heard, "Come Lilli come on in." So I have three chooses death, getting cot, or go into a weird talking cave. I rock back and forth and jump barley making it into the cave. 

The cave was dark but I walked forward after about six steps the cave began to glow. The walls were made of glass and behind was a weird red liquid. The liquid everyone know as the death, one touch could kill you or make you go crazy. I keep walking the sooner I get away from that stuff the sooner I'll be safe.  

"Who's there?!" Someone yells from the end of the cave. I run as fast as I can t the those words. "Can it be her? Is it? It can't be, she's dead." Flashes throw my mind. I ran as fast as I can right to her. I stop at a door and say, "Hello is anyone in there?" "Yes, I'm in here get me out!" The voice called out. "Em?!" I said banging on the door," Wow! They left the key in the door." I turned the key and pushed open the door.  

The room was dark except for the red fluorescent glow. The walls were made of the red jello stuff one rich would cause it to brake and go every where. In the back corner was a small bed with a girl in it, Em. "Em have you touched any of this stuff?" I said looking all around the room. "No, but I know what it is. Can we get out of here?" Em asked. "Yay, but how did you come in my way was a bit tricky." I replied. "From down the hall to the left," Em said showing me the way. We run in silence, and hope the cave is empty. After we run for a couple of minutes we see out first sign of life, a guard. We easily sneak past the guard and the I knock him out with a sack of potatoes he was eating. "Wow you've changed a lot from when I last saw you?" Em said. "Yay well it's been nearly three mouths of being on the run. It can change you a whole lot," I said looking up at the ceiling. "I lost him just so you know." "Lost who?" Em said looking into to my eyes. 

"You know perfectly well who," I say looking at her but her expression says otherwise. "Your brother, Ray," when I say his name the weight of his death is heaven as it sits on my shoulders. Em talks more but I'm not listening I'm thinking about Ray. He died just a couple of hours ago, at Meleo (what we called our hideout in the woods) that's why I was running to get away from those who killed him. He might not even be died but they never miss. "Lilli look there's another door," Em said pointing at a big black, iron door. I walked up to the door and with little hesitation opened it.

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