Chapter 2

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A month later 

I had just finished school and had two essay's to do that were due tomorrow and a rehearsal till seven, I was getting sick of how I was a backup dancer (because I was new) yet I still had to attend every single rehearsal no matter what, I was dedicated but the backups didn't need to be there all the time. 

I got in the car

"How was your day sweetie" Andie asked 

"good" i said 

"what was the chat" She asked

"nothing much"

"what did you get up to" 

"nothing much" I said, I wasn't really interested in talking about school " I have two essay's due tomorrow"   

"and you have rehearsal" Andie reminded me

"yeah" I shrugged 

we pulled into the drive and walked into the house I dumped my bag at the door

"hey dad" I called 

"hey Amy" Sean called before I went into my room and got changed into shorts, a crop top and put the sunnies on I had at the beach  

I jogged to training and started talking to my friend L-P, her actual name was Lauren and she was the only one here who new my real name (Amy)  

"hi" I said

"Dee-A" she said excitedly

"yo, what's up Dee-A" Jayce said 

"sup Jayce" I nodded 

"so what you been up to" Lauren asked 

"um... school, two essay's due tomorrow" I whispered

"what!" she whispered in surprise

"Dee-A, L-P get over here" Jayce said and we started dancing while he walked around  of the dancers. He stopped to talk to one near me 

"the new recruits need to grow some balls don't you think" he said 

the other guy laughed and then Jayce carried on, me and Lauren looked at each other  

"please don't tell anyone, they will think I am not committed or somthing" I whispered, going back to our earlier conversation 

"Dee-A" Jayce said beconing me, I walked over to him

"Is there a problem?" He asked 

"no is just"

"then you shouldn't be talking" 

He started to walk away but I realized that this was my chance

"I don't think the backup dancers should be here all the time" I said, everybody stopped and stared at me 

"why do you have somewhere else to be" Jayce asked

"as a matter of fact I do" I said and grabbed my bags "i quite, " i said and walked out with my head held high

"oh and Jayce, grow some balls" i said over my shoulder and smiled to myself at the mock horror on his face   

someone laughed from behind me, I recognized it but couldn't pin point from anywhere, i kept walking to the park where I started practicing more, I couldn't let my game down 

I flipped off the seats and twisted turned and slid until I noticed a battle going on.  I walked over and pushed my way to the front, it was getting heated so I continued to watch. There was a guy fully dressed in black and he looked like he had the upper hand, the other guy attempted a back flip but hurt his ankle, the battle was over 

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