Harry chuckled and looked at his two friends fighting on the grass. It was so late- or early- that the sun was coming up. He wasn't anywhere near as wasted as the rest of the band, but he could feel himself swaying ever so slightly and he didn't feel overly confident in driving so he nodded to Lia's offer, "thanks Lia, that would be great."

Inside the house there was cushions and furniture everywhere, in places where furniture and cushions shouldn't be. Louis had escaped his sheet cocoon and had the music channel blasting on the TV. He was leaping around, playing a strange version of don't touch the ground that involved screaming like a monkey and quite possibly pulling every single muscle in his body.

"Louis Tomlinson, what in the world are you doing?" Lia yelled over the music, but she was laughing uncontrollably, and hurriedly pulling her phone out to video it all.

"Playing!" he yelled back, just as he tipped and the angle of his body sent him stumbling across the entire room before hitting the wall with a dopey smile, "it's fun!"

Lia managed to get everyone in a bed, or a couch, and asleep within an hour or so. It wasn't easy, it came with a lot of conditions that she hoped they'd all forget about in the the morning, but she managed. The house was finally silent at five in the morning and Lia slid back into bed next to Louis. He smelt like alcohol, but it wasn't as strong as it was before because she'd made him brush his teeth before getting into bed.

She curled into his back, wriggled around a bit until she was comfortable and then fell asleep.


Lia woke up a few hours later. She'd never been able to sleep in very long, the sun in the sky always woke her up.

Louis was still sound asleep beside her and snoring quietly so she got out of bed as quietly as possible, slipping into her slippers on the way out.

Liam was sitting at the kitchen table. His chin was resting on the wood and his eyes had a far away look in them as he stared listlessly at the wall in front of him.

"Good morning," Lia greeted, and Liam glanced over at her.

He shook his head slightly and groaned, "it is so not a good morning, I'm never drinking again. . ."

He had woken with a throbbing headache and nothing he was doing was helping it at all. Mind you, he'd only taken the pills twenty minutes ago so they could still be kicking in but still, he was seriously regretting last night. He felt like a right mess.

 Lia scoffed and flicked on the jug on the jug. She'd heard that line a million times before, "biggest lie I ever heard." 

"I'm gonna chop my head right off if it doesn't let up soon, I swear to god," Liam muttered in frustration just as Niall skipped into the room cheerfully with a big grin decorating his features.

"Hey Lia, Liam! Whoa I just realised that you pretty much have the same name!" Niall exclaimed excitably as he started rifling through the pantry. His stomach was growling loudly, he was starving. The last time he ate was yesterday's lunch and restaurant food was kinda pathetic in his opinion. Those tiny little portion sizes weren't enough to full a three year old.

"Either you're still as drunk as a skunk or you're the luckiest man to have ever lived," Lia stated, completely gobsmacked. The blond had been a tipsy mess the last she'd seen of him and now he didn't appear to be even a little hungover.

"The second one," Niall chirped, pulling out a box of cereal with a shrug, "I don't really get hangovers."

Liam glared at him, "I hate you." 

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