I don't know, but it's kind of like we're playing this game of who could act better.

Obviously, that's me.

We walk over to the middle of the dancefloor, me finding the head of blonde hair a distance away.

Hannah was dancing with Niall and he was giving her this look. The look that said, "I fucking adore you"

And Hannah had the same look on her face.

I really wonder if there's something going on between the both of them. They would be a bomb ass couple though.

Twirling around, my back was against his front as my hand reached for the back of his neck.

Smiling, I bit my lip as I felt his crotch against my ass.

His lips brushed my neck as my breath hitched in my throat.

My eyes fluttered closed as we swayed to the music, me smiling.

His teeth grazed my skin, his tongue running across my jawline.

"Fuck." I whispered, turning around so I could face him.

Nearly grinding on him, he grunted in pleasure as his hands were on my hips.

"Your body is a wonderland," He sings into my ear as I feel my cheeks grow hot.

I barely get to hear him sing, and hearing him sing is kind of different for me I guess.

His hand slightly squeezes my breast as my heart races.

"What time is it?" I breathed out, licking my lips.

"Time to reveal yohr Christmas present."

"You got me a present?'' I smirked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah, the best present ever." I noticed his eyes weren't the usual bright green they were.

"Really." I smiled, his head in my neck as he kissed me.




- Noelle -


I finished up my drink, tossing the cup randomly as I frowned.

I was going to get in trouble for not doing anything.

Blue and Harry though. They had something special, even though they were just too blind to see it.

I wish I didn't have to do this at all, I mean it hurt to wreck a perfectly good pair.

But if I didn't, then I'd simply be suspended from my job, and being a pap is all I really have for myself right now..

It actually feels really bad, because I don't want to be the bad guy here.

Yet, I am. Ugh.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket, as I jumped slightly.

Picking it out, I answered.


"Hey, N. I'm going to be there in about five minutes. Is Harry and the devil that goes by the name Blue there?"

"Um yeah she's here. They got here about ten minutes ago."

"Well, what are they doing?" She demanded.


"Ugh, fuck. I'll be there. Bye."

And, that was Kendall Jenner.

P.S. I Hate You (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now