"Rachel, don't be so childish" my mum said

"Well then, it's either me or your job" I simply said, she stood there and started thinking,p. Are you being fucking serious?! You should never think about that kind of thing, you should always choose your kids over anything. She then just turned around and carried on doing nothing. Well then I guess she chose her job.

"Bitch" I said then walked out with my stuff and slammed the stuff and got into my car and drove to Justin's. I left my suitcases in the car, as they were heavy and I thought Justin would be able to help me. I knocked on the door and I expected Justin to open but no. Some girl opened it. She was dressed in Justin's top and a pair of leggings. What the fuck, he was fucking another girl?! I felt hurt, like really hurt. I've just lost my mum and now Justin. He keeps fucking up! Justin then suddenly appeared

"Rachel?!" He said in shock

"Fuck you" I said, then turned around but Justin grabbed me and spun me around so that I was facing him, I slapped him, is lapped him hard enough to leave a red mark. Justin ignored the fact that I slapped him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked softly

"Doesn't matter, let go of me" I said and yanked my arm out of his grip.

"It does matter" he said

"No because you're too bust fucking that whore over there!" I yelled

"I'm not fucking her" Justin said

"I wasn't fucking born yesterday Justin" I said

"I'm not lying" he said

"You know what the embarrassing thing is?" I said

"I actually liked you, I thought we could maybe, just maybe try and out this out" I said point my finger to me then to him

"We can! I promise I didn't fuck her!" Justin said

"She's in your top Justin, it's obvious" I said

"Rachel, please listen!" Justin pleaded

"No, it's even embarrassing that I even came her, thinking you would be here for me, comfort me, when I most needed you" I said quietly and wiped a tear that had fallen

"Rachel, what's happened?" Justin asked seriously and stepped towards me but I stepped back

"None of your fucking business" I growled and went to my car

"Where are you going?!" Justin yelled

"TO AUSTINS, AT LEAST HE FUCKING CARES AND DOESNT FUCK UP LIKE YOU!" I screamed then drove off, when I mentioned Austin's name, I saw Justin looked pissed off. I drove to austin and I knocked on his door, I was in tears when he opened.

"Rachel!" He said and pulled me in to a hug, I just cried into his chest.

"What's up?" He asked sweetly

"My mum..she's left me for her job and Justin he's fucking another girl as we probably speak and everything's going horribly wrong" I sobbed. I looked up at him,

"Could I stay with you for a while?" I asked quietly

"Sure! Do you have any suitcases?" He asked

"In my car" I replied, austin went and got my suitcases and carried them upstairs and I followed him, he offered me a drink and I said yes, I was sitting on the bed and just thing until my phone rang, it was Justin so I decided to pick up and see what he had to say.

"What?!" I spat

"I didn't fuck her Rachel" he said softly, I still find it hard to believe him..

"I don't care Justin" I replied

"You do.."

"Why did you call?" I asked

"Something's wrong, you've acted strange ever since you got pulled out of class" he said, I kept quiet.

"Rachel, you still there?" He asked

"Yes" I mumbled

"Tell me what's up baby"

"No.." I said, then Austin's asked in and handed me my drink and he said something.

"Is that Austin" Justin growled

"Yes" I said

"Rachel, don't fuck him! Because I know you would" he growled angrily

"Maybe I will, you know to have some fun, make time pass" I said with a smirk on my face, I knew this would get him jealous and angry.

"Rachel, don't!" He growled, I mouthed to Austin so he came over and that he started sucking my neck, he started sucking then he found my sweet spot which made me moan loudly.

"RACHEL!" Justin yelled angrily,mi kept moaning

"Got to go, bye Justin" I said then hung up before he could say anything.

After I hung up Austin carried on sucking on my neck, I pulled him up and started kissing him, we started to get undressed. He slipped his hand into my knickers and started fingering me, fast. Then I came and he licked me up.

"Fuck, was that your first time?" I asked, Austin shyly nodded

"Didn't seem like it" I laughed then I borrowed one of Austin tops, which went down to about my things, I looked cute as my hair was in a high ponytail as well. Austin and I were in the living cuddling until the door bell went.

"Should I got get it?" I asked, Austin nodded and smacked my ass before I went. God, I've changed Austin. I opened the door and found Justin standing there. He looked me up and down and realised I was in Austin top. He looked extremely pissed off, he quickly pulled me out and pinned me against the wall and kissed me angrily, I kissed him back.

"Why did you fuck him?" He growled

"I didn't" I smirked at him

"Sure looks like it" he hissed

"I didn't but we may of had a little bit of fun" I said and used my hands to show the amount as a joke

"Your mine" Justin growled and started sucking my neck and left a hickey.

"Yours" I breathed out

"Come to mine" he whispered into my ear

"Not today" I said

"Why not?" He asked

"Because" I said, then Austin opened the door and I gently pushed Justin off me and walked into Austin's house. Then I heard them talking.

"I swear to god, if you fuck her, I'll kill you" Justin said angrily

"I won't" Austin replied

"Don't bullshit me" Justin growled

"She's my bestfriend, I don't want to ruin our relationship" he simply said then shut the door,I saw Justin storm off to his car and then Austin made his way towards me, I couldn't help but hug him. As I hugged him he rested his hands on my as and gave my ass a little squeeze which caused me to gasp.

"Austin, would it be okay if I went to live with Justin tomorrow?" I asked

"Sure, but I'm here whenever you need me" Austin said and i couldn't help but smile

"Austin, I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you" I said then kissed his cheek, I then took out of phone and texted Justin.

To Justin: I'll come to yours tomorrow and explain everything and there better not be any whores when I knock

From Justin: there not be you, you're the only one I want.

His text me smile but I don't know if he's just saying that so I can go to his. Well I guess tomorrow I'll find out. I out my phone away then snuggled up to Austin not he sofa. We had a blanket over us, I was laying on Austin chest which was actually really comfortable and I must of fell asleep as I can't remember anything. But what I do know is, is that tomorrow will be a long stressful day.


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