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Imagine the Joker hearing you crying and he comes to comfort you, and he gets jealous.

You sat down on the huge king sized bed that you and the Joker shared. You always loved the velvety feel of the blood red blanket that gently laid on the massive memory foam bed.

Today had been a bad day. Your own mother found out about your affairs with the Joker (or Mr. J) and she completely disowned you and had threatened to call the police if you didn't get away from her and never come back.

The worst part was that she screamed it at you in front of your entire family; you had to go out of town for a family reunion. Luckily, she didn't mention anything about Mr. J, and so the only person who knew was your mother. Who had the worst attitude that anyone could have had about it.

You groaned and collapsed onto your back. That's not the only thing that had happened to you today.

You had just been walking down the street to the grocery store when your ex passed you. He had done the most horrible things to you; he cheated, he lied, he said the most degrading things that any woman would never dream of hearing.

When he passed you, he whispered in your ear "you're sexy as ever, (Y/N)". You had gasped and ran back to the warehouse.

And now here you were, lying on this soft bed, feelings hurt and emotions brought back to the surface.

Not to mention work with the Joker was stressing you out. You hadn't exactly gotten used to killing people yet. The act of taking someone's life still haunts your dreams.

All of the problems were weighing on you and just caused you to break down. You felt a tear slip down your face. The sweet crying quickly became a sob fest.

You sit up and put your head in your hands, thinking of all the things that have been burdening you all day. You sniffed loudly.

Just then, you feel the bed shift next to you and cold arms around your shoulders. You gasp and look up to see Joker next to you looking down at you with warm eyes.

"What seems to be the matter, Princess?" He asked. You didn't know why, but just the sound of his voice offered some relief to your awful day. You were also surprised, as he never really paid much attention to your emotions.

You sniffled. "I had a really bad day today, Mr. J," you said. Just those few words made you begin to cry again.

"Aw poor thing," he said as he rubbed your shoulders. "What happened that made it so dreadful?"

You told him in between sobs about everything that happened, leaving out the part about work stressing you out.

He got specifically angry at the part that involved your ex.

"Ooh you have no idea what I'm going to do to him," he started. He got up off the bed and started pacing in front of you.

You look up at him hopefully. You hated your ex so much.

"What are you going to do?" You ask curiously. You really hoped it would be something along the lines of "oh I'm just going to kill him,"

He stopped pacing to look at you. He read your face and smiled at you impishly.

"Doll, what do you want me to do to him?" He asked.

Your eyes widen. "I want you to kill him." You say without thinking. All of your previous emotional distress was long gone, thinking about the death of that scumbag.

He smiled deviously and walked up to you. He stopped just as his nose brushed your nose. He whispered. "Anything for my (Y/N)," and he kissed you passionately. You felt your face get warm.

Then he broke away and began to laugh maniacally. You joined him with an evil giggle. It made your stomach do a flip to know that the Joker was jealous enough to kill your ex.



Hi there. I hope this was good so far. I don't really do this often xD

I'll try my best to get new chapters out every other day, and please comment and leave requests, I'm all open! You can make it anonymous or if you want me to give you any credit, I will at the beginning.

Have a tedious Thursday ;)

P.S. I love the Joker

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