Chapter 38

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We walk into the police station and the officer from last night was waiting for us. "Come with me." He says. We follow him through different hallways when we stop in a waiting room.

"Okay... who's first?" He asks. No one answers but Freezy raises his hand. "Come with me." Freezy follows him and they are gone for at least 15-20 minutes. They come out and the officer starts picking random people for questioning... I end up last.

"Okay young lady. You're up." He says. I stand up and follow him to a room with a metal door. He opens it and I see the worst thing, Harry with his hands behind his back, a black eye, a cut on his lip, his skin white as snow, dark circles under his eyes and his dark, blue, evil eyes are bloodshot.

And I'm fucking terrified of the boy that I fell in love with. "Take a seat next to him." Harry slowly looks up at me, a smile forms on his lips and his dark eyes turned bright again. I felt safer, no longer terrified of Harry; now all i want to do is hug him and kiss him.

I sit down next to him and sneak my hand behind his chair to join my hand with his. "Okay young lady, this is what everyone seems to be telling us, including pedestrians around the scene. Four young men where saying 'Grab them by the pussy, that's how we do it', your friends got mad, tried to talk to them, the men grabbed you and the other girls inappropriately and that's what sent Mr. Lewis here over the edge is that correct?"

I nod my head. "Yes, that's correct. Harry, Simon, Joe and JJ aren't from here as you can tell. They were visiting me along with the others." I explain. "Do you have any proof of what happened last night?" He asks. "Yes actually, I do."

I let go of Harry's hand and go on my phone. I pull up the video and hand my phone to the officer. He presses play and watches it."

"Grab them by the pussy!"
"That's how we do it!"

Harry's hands were now formed into fists, biting his lip and bouncing his leg up and down impatiently. I touch his thigh "Baby." I whispered "It's okay." I smile and he smiles a little in return.

"You're going to kill him! Stop!"
The officer pauses the video and hands me, my phone back. "Well, I should've interviewed you first. As far as I can see, you're innocent along with the others." Harry and I smile wide "Unfortunately it's not really up to me... It's up to the victim."

Our smiles fade "What do you mean?" Harry asks, his voice barley audible. "I mean, it's up to the victim. He can press charges and if he does then you and your partners and crime can go to prison. I'll give you the hospital the men are at, to try to convince them."

He grabs a pen and a piece of paper and writes down the address. "I want you kids to win this... I really do. If you don't... i'll be disappointed in what America has come to if those men don't realize their mistakes."

"Thank you so much officer." I shake his hand and he shakes mine. "Don't thank me yet kid. Your boyfriend and friends have to go back to a cell." he tells me. "Can I have a moment with Harry please?" I ask and he nods and walks out.

Once the door shuts Harry presses his lips into mine. The kiss was as passionate as ever. He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. "I may not be able to do that for a while baby." He tells me and I shake my head "Don't say that... you will. In a couple of days you, JJ, Joe and Simon will be free. You'll be proven innocent."

"I hope so." He smiles "If i don't get to see you when he presses charges... I love you so much. You hear me?" His voice cracks and tears start to roll down my face. "I love you too."

"They won't press charges. I will try everything. I'll do anything. I just want you guys to be free. You didn't do anything wrong." The officer comes in "Times up." He says.

"No, please. Can I keep talking to her? You can't just take me away!" Harry pleads. Officers come in and grab harry and start pulling him away from me "No! Please! Please!" He pleads more and more while they drag him away.

I follow them out and see harry being dragged down the hallway. His pleads and crys become louder and louder when he is farther and farther away. They turn a corner and I can no longer see him. "Please!" He yells.

I can hear his body being thrown and prison bars being slammed and locked. The officers come walking back and I can hear harry hit and shake the bars. "Fucking hell! I love her so much! Let me talk to her please!" this made me cry even more. Hearing the pain in his voice made it unbearable. I turn around to see my group of friends.

I walk towards them, tears running down my face. Freezy opens his arms and I walk into them. I start to sob and Kaitlyn hugs me, followed by maddi and Cal.

The only thing that was louder than my ugly sobs was the sound of Harry's cry's, and pleads

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