Growth Sperts

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Being in middle school is all new for us. We have to have id badges, schedules, pep rallies, tryouts, spelling bees, and a lot more things. In fact you would think that being in different grade levels is growth enough. But not in this case. Kat was anxious to come and tell me about something. She said she couldn't talk to anyone else about it. Not even Drake.

"So what's up?" I asked her.

"Nicki I have a period" she said.

"Duh, but not today. It's Saturday" I said.

"No" she said laughing hard, " I mean a period. Blood from my private" she said.

"Oh, don't you need to go to the hospital? Or tell your mom?" I asked. She just died laughing. I was just looking at her cluelessly.

"Onika a period is when a girl is considered a women. We have blood come out of our private every month for up to a week at the most. My mama said we can have cravings, be moody, and it can hurt sometimes. She also says we have to stay as clean as possible." She said.

"All girls get one?" I ask.

"Yes" she answered. "My mom says I got mine early. You could get yours early. But I wouldn't know what a late one is. I barely know what an early one is, unless she meant early in the morning" she says making me laugh.

"I have no idea but me and Caiah were going to go swimming with our big brother Jelani later. My mom said it was okay if you and Drake could come" I say.

"I would like to but I can't get in the water. My mo says when a girl is on her period we can't swim cause of the blood" .

"That's okay, I can't get my hair wet" I said making her smile. She had went back home and told Drake to get ready to go with us. Jelani picked me and Caiah up excited to see us.

"Y'all are getting so big" he says. He then goes up to hug our mama.

"Have them back before 8 and Nika don't wet your hair" she says as we all pile in the car. When he takes us back to his apartment we go straight to the pool. Drake and Caiah jump in at the same time. Kat and me sit on the edge of the pool and just let our feet be in the water.

"So are you bleeding through your suit?" I whisper.

"No" she says quietly back to me. "My mama said I have to wear a pad, which is like a panty liner but thicker and for periods. She said later I'll wear something called a tampon which is like a tissue straw. I don't have any idea how that works and it looks like it hurts".

"This sounds like a lot" I say taking in the information she was giving to me.

"I guess" she says. She then stands up. "I gotta go check myself" she says running off to the bathroom.

"Come get in Nic" said Drake splashing water on me. I stand and jump in the pool, splashing both him and Caiah. We all had a splash fight then. Kat came back from the bathroom and Drake splashed her legs, close to her thighs.

"Drake stop!" She yelled.

"My bad sis" he says.

"Y'all hungry?" Jelani asked us.

"Yes!!!" We all yelled.

"Foods inside" he said. We all grabbed our towels after exiting the pool and went inside to eat cheeseburgers and fries.

"After you're done I'm taking you home" he says grabbing a beer.

"Why can't we stay?" I asked.

"Cause they have to go home and so do you" he says messing with my arms. Everyone laughs and I pout.

On the way home we all sung to the songs on the radio. I watched as Drake thought he could out rap me. I laughed when he got tongue twisted as he tried to go faster than the actual rapper. When we got to the house we all piled out the car and Jelani gave me and Caiah a hug.

"See you tomorrow at school Nicki" Kat says walking towards her house.

"Hey Drake" I say calling him over.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I meant to ask. Do you like that new girl Carla?" Since starting middle school he and this Carla have been talking and I just been wanting to know.

"Mind your business"

"Your business is my business" I said.

"Didn't think that when I told you it a few weeks ago about you and Derek"

"Derek is my friend that I talk to but that's my business"

"See, I'm not about to play with you Nic" he says laughing and walking away.

"We're talking, not playing" I say loud enough for him to hear. I go inside the house and get ready to chill before bed. Middle school will change our lives...I can feel it.

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