One second (Tony x Reader)

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*Not Requested

One second. That's all it takes. For your life to change, for good or worse. For you to loose someone. Or, for your world to be flipped upside down

Another ball of paper flew towards you from the direction of your Fiancé, Tony Dinozzo. Without looking at it, you toss it into the trash.

"Y/N! It's no fun if you don't look at them! " Tony whined
"Your supposed to be working dinozzo, not flirting with my daughter. " Your father, Gibbs said, casting a glance at the man before looking at you and mouthing 'it's not too late you know. I won't mind if you run away' you smirked at your dad before turning back to your work.

It was quite for a little while, before your dad got up, excusing him self for a cup of coffee. The minute he was out of sight, Tony came over placing his hands on your desk staring at you.
"Can I help you babe?" You ask not looking at him
"Yes!" He whined, causing you to look up, "I didn't get my kiss this morning." He pouted.
"Aw, is Tony hurt his fiancé didn't kiss him?" You mocked, smiling
"Y/N!" He pouted
You smirked before giving in, leaning up to plant a small kiss in his lips.
"Y/N, DiNozzo! Stop making out in my office would ya?" Gibbs groaned walking around the corner
"Sorry boss!" Tony apologized hurrying back to his desk.
That's when all hell broke loose. No one saw the sniper. No one saw him line up his scope with your heart. No one saw him squeeze the trigger. He didn't know you would move, his perfect death shot ruined, but by some miracle you did, and the bullet found your stomach instead.

The echo of the shot was still ringing in the office when your small groan was heard by your co-workers.
Your dad sprung from his desk, catching you before you could fall to the ground. Yelling for McGee to call the ambulance, Tony came rushing to your side.
"Sweetheart?" He asked tears in his eyes
" 'S okay Tony. " you coughed, letting out another groan
Your dad had taken his dress shirt off, and was using it to stop the blood, leaving him in just an undershirt.
"Y/N. Hold on for me baby. The paramedics are almost here. " he said, using his free had to stroke your hair back.
You have a small nod, eyes closing accepting the darkness.

By the time Tony and the team had reached the hospital, you were in surgery. Tony fell back against the wall, silently crying, the rest of the team sitting in chairs, minus your dad who was pacing the room.
It seemed like hours before the doctor came out. "Y/N Gibbs?" He called out
The whole team jumped up.
"Just her immediate family please." Tony and Gibbs stepped forward, Gibbs speaking for them
" We're her dad and fiancé."
The doctor nodded before leading them into a hallway.
"It's not good. We've gotten the bullet out, but in the process she flat lined twice, and the worst is yet to come. I want you to prepare yourself for anything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get her. She'll be in room 3321." He finished before walking away.
Your dad and Tony made their way to the room, tony texting the rest of the team where you were, and the status updates.
*5 days later*
You heard a voice, it wasn't one your recognized, but the one that responded was.
"Well, why the hell hasn't she woken up. You're her doctor. Figure it out!" The voice yelled.
The voice that followed after was another one you recognized , "Tony. Shut up. He's doing everything he can. Yelling won't fix anything."
"No one asked you McGee!" Tony yelled. You could hear the tears in his voice. You needed to wake up now.
Your heart monitor started beeping faster
"Tony. Calm down. She's stressed." Another voice cut in
Your dad. But his voice sounded hoarse. Like he had been crying
"I'm sorry McGee. " Tony apologized
"It's fine your stressed." McGee said
You slowly opened your eyes, seeing the three men's backs turned to you,
"What is this? A soap opera?"
"Y/N?" Tony asked turning towards you
"No, this is Patrick."
Tony laughed, "God. I thought you wouldn't wake up."
"Good, I love the element of surprise." You smirked, grabbing his hand.
"Tony, Tim, you two go get the rest of the team." Gibbs said, sitting down in your bed.
The two men nodded and Tony kissed you before walking out with Tim.
"Hey baby girl. How ya feeling?"
"I'm okay. I was so scared dad. I could hear everything, but it was a struggle to breath. I was mom and sis, and I wanted to go to them. Dad, I'm still scared."
He pulled you into a hug shushing you,"I got you sweetie. And so does Tony. We won't let anything happen."
"But what if we can't see them? What if this happens again?"
"Then I won't stop till I've got the bastard, and he's payed for it. Don't worry okay y/n? We've got you." Your dad smiled down at you.
He got up as Tony and Tim walked in and sat by you, you pulled him next to you and sat up, leaning on him as Tim told the team you were ready.
As your friends all piled on, and you saw the look on your dad and fiancé's faces you worries faded away, and you knew you'd be okay.

This is from my tumblr: NCIS-ncis nola-oneshots

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