I see two shots set out on the counter and I grab one, shooting it back before Julian can make me cheers. He takes his and makes a sour face causing my to laugh. I crash my mouth into his again, lips tingling from the alcohol. He lifts my thighs up from underneath and I wrap my legs around his waste as he carries me to his bedroom.

He throws me on to the bed and I rush to pull my shirt over my head before fumbling with Julian's belt to get it undone. I tear his jeans off and toss them to the floor beside the bed as he collapses on me, kissing every inch of my body.
I shimmy out of my tight black pants as he tugs them down to my ankles before coming back up so his lips meet mine.

"Reese I've been waiting so fucking long for this." He moans and I smile to myself as he kisses my neck.

"Then hurry up and get started." I say and he chuckles in a low raspy tone as he finds my underwear with his cold hands and pulls them off.

Here we go.


*Beep Beep*

Fuck you asshole!

I wake up to the sound of the busy New York streets and I'm freezing! I guess the window is open. I look to my side and I smile at Julian's sleepy grin and messy hair. He must have been smoking out the window last night. I crawl out of bed to close the window and goosebumps spring up on my arms. 

Quietly, as to not wake Julian I shut the window and gaze out for a moment. It must be nearly ten based on the busyness of the streets.

"Good morning." I hear Julian's low voice moan as he yawns and I smile tip toeing my way back over to his bed.

I kneel next to him on the comfy mattress and push his brown locks away from his face so I can see his puppy dog eyes. He is perfect.

"Morning." I say lowly and he grabs my shoulders, pulling me into his arms and hugging me close.

Julian usually isn't this affectionate and it takes me by surprise but I don't mind it. I laugh as I pull away and stand up just now noticing I'm only in a bra and underwear. I slip on my jeans from last night and steal a shirt from Julian's closet. It's a sex pistols T-shirt and I take in a whiff of Julian's scent from the soft material as I throw it on.

"I'm gonna go make some breakfast, you want anything?" I ask stepping over the dirty socks and underwear that cover Julian's floor.

"I only want you." Julian smirks as he props himself up on his elbows, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

I laugh and debate joining him in bed again but shake the thought from my head. "Cereal it is." I say.

He groans and throws himself back on the bed stretching his arms up to the sky. "I'm going back to bed then."

I creak open the door and step out into the hallway half expecting to see Albert passed out on the floor like last weekend, but he's not there so I keep going to the kitchen.

As I enter the I notice Nikolai sitting at the counter reading the paper, Fabrizio and Albert sitting at the table eating toast and Nick sprawled out on the couch with his guitar.

"Hey guys." I grin as I grab the cereal from the pantry. "Fun night?"

A few of the boys moan but only Albert actually answers me. Typical.

"It was pretty good, danced a bit. I'm guessing you and Julian had more fun than any of us though." He chuckles and I blush.

Oh, no.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laugh nervously and everyone else looks at me, clearly amused.

"We got home at three and you and Julian were still going at it." Fabrizio smirks not taking his attention away from his burnt breakfast.

"I have to say I never took you for a screamer." Nick joins in causing the boys to erupt into stitches and my cheeks feel so hot they might explode.

"Why do you guys always have to embarrass me?" I say frowning, "and when are you planning on getting your own place? This apartment feels like a frat house."

The boys ignore me and I scowl at Nick as I have a seat at the table and try to enjoy my cereal.

Not long after my official roast session Julian joins us in the kitchen in nothing but his boxers and heads straight for the orange juice.

"Morning fellas." Julian mutters in a raspy tone and they nod, some of them chuckle but Julian isn't phased. I suppose he's used to the morning after situation.

"I should probably head home, I've got lots to do today." I say as I stand to place my dish in the sink.

"Aw really? Does that mean we don't get a sequel to last nights opera concert this morning?" Albert chuckles and the boys laugh along, including Julian.

"Hah hah very funny Albert but remind me who you came home with last night?" I glare and Albert blushes.

"No one.." he mumbles and the others continue to obnoxiously shout in appreciation of the burn.

I take my phone and my coat and say goodbye to the guys before heading out to the street to walk home.

Those boys are way too comfortable around me, but I don't mind. Everything feels like it's falling into place now and all I can say is it's about fucking time. Things are finally looking up I suppose.

Speechless (Julian Casablancas Fanfic) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now