style | dancing

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Kyle's pov

The dance studio. God, do I ever hate it here. Especially with Stan staring like a fucking idiot at Wendy through the fogged up class.

Why were we here again?

Oh- yeah.

Wendy Testaburger.

Stan has always been after her heart. It's been years since they first meet, and he can't seem to get over her.
She recently gotten into dance classes. Something about it helping keeping her thin? I don't know. But what I do know is what my best friends been doing. His attention span has dropped on her dramatically, but it's still there.
Maybe he realized that things just aren't meant to be.

Myself on the other hand— well, I've loved Stan since the Sixth grade. We're in Sophomore year now- and nothing's changed. Uhg. I still love him. He's amazing to me, my best friend forever. He's adorable in every aspect of life too. He's my everything.

But there's no way in hell Stan's sexual preference is outside of straight. And it hurts.

I sighed heavily, my orbs casting over to meet his. He turned my way."Hey Kyle,have you ever danced?"

A million thoughts ran through my head.

Stan is not gonna make me dance with him when she's gone,is he? I don't want to be a backup for him to get lessons just for the sake of that son of a--


I shook my thoughts away and glanced at him.


"I asked you if you knew how to dance?"

"Uhh,well yeah I use to take dancing lessons.but I'm not dancing with you -especially for the likes of Wendy."

Stan paused for a second,nibbling on his lower lip. "Oh.."

My brow raised."Okay well- it's getting really chilly, Im gonna head home. See you later Stan!"
I walked off down the street.

| timeskip to nighttime. It's snowing calmly out now. |

A knock was heard at the front door, making me toss off my headphones. I stood on my tippy toes until I could peer far enough over the window ledge to see was here.

It was Stan.

He had something behind his back, I wasn't able to find out what it was but it seemed to be rather large.
I went downstairs and slipped behind my mother as she spoke to Stan.

"Kyle you didn't tell me Stan was coming over this late at night.Come on in Stan,just keep quiet you too. Ike's asleep." She turned away and went into another room.
All I was fucking confused. I thought Stan was going to hang out with Kenny- Apparently not.
What is he doing here?

Letting him in, we headed upstairs. I slipped inside my room and shut the door, turning to him only to have him grab ahold of my waist and pull me close."Kyle,would you dance with me?"

Both of my brows raised as my orbs darted around.

"Why? I don't want to be used for dancing lessons just for the likes of some girl like Wendy." I muttered.

"I didn't want to dance with you cause of her,I wanted lessons from you so I could dance with you."
My cheeks flustered up instantly."Shit— oh, um. Okay." An awkward smile crept onto my features.

I didn't think he meant anything by it but boy was I wrong.
After dancing for about an hour, we  laid down in my bed in complete silence.

"Kyle? Could I tell you something,man?"
I sloppily shifted over to face him,my heart racing. "Go ahead."
"Kyle -- I like you.More then friends." Stan seemed to nearly stutter.

My heart race, feeling my cheeks turning a bright pink hue.

The smile appearing across my face was widening, letting my hand slip into his."I love you too Stan. I  have for a long time."

Stan looked  surprised and turned to me as his expression changed to full out 'just kiss me already kyle'

as I rolled on top of him,giving him a rough passionate kiss, I finally felt at peace.

'Best dance partner ever.'

- admin tobi 💓

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