Chapter 1-Saying Goodbye

Start from the beginning

I laughed along and pulled away, everyone else doing the same. A few went to finish showering while others went to get dressed.

"We'll miss you Port!" One shouted, causing me to smile.

"Derek you better hurry or I'm leaving you!" I yelled, exiting the locker room.

I heard him scream as he rushed to get ready,"Don't leave me women!" He shouted back, causing everyone to laugh, I shook my head and exited, making my way to the girls locker room to grab my bags.

I reached the door and mentally gagged as I heard the cheerleaders inside. Their over exaggerated giggles...makes me sick!

I pushed the door open, and was hit with strong perfume causing me to sneeze and them to stop their conversation and throw me dirty looks.

I quickly made my way to my locker and spun my combination before pulling out my bags and slinging them over my shoulder.

"So did you talk to Matt for me?" One if the she devils asked from my side.

I opened my mouth to speak but was broken off be a few others,"Yeah did you talk to Jackson for me?"

"What about Luke?!"

"Would you guys shut it?!" The first one shouted, turning to look at me expectantly.

Truth is, Amanda, the first she devil, was actually pretty cool. She was the only one that didn't hate me because I played with the boys.

The only thing was that she was practically obsessed with Matt, while he was way to scared to talk to her, even though he was a total man whore, he was scared to talk to her.

"You know Matt Amanda, he's been very secluded lately anyway," I told her, which wasn't a total lie, all the guys have been ignoring me since they found out I was moving.

"Oh,"she said sadly. Then she turned into her usual perky self and leaned closer to me,"What's going on between you and Derek?" She asked excitedly, slapping my arm.

My eyes widened and I went to deny anything but she threw me a glare,"Don't deny it, I saw the way he kept looking at you," she sassed.

I chuckled, shaking my head. This is exactly why I loved hanging with the guys, no drama. Although the only downside to hanging with them was their perverseness, and their big appetites (so ridiculous when they spend the night at my house).

"I have to go Amanda, I'll talk to Matt for you," I promised, making my way out the gas room and into the hallway, where Derek was standing with his bag at his feet.

His brown hair was wet and dripped water on his shirt. He wore his team sweats while I still wore my uniform, there was no way I was changing in front of those chicks.

Matt, Jackson, Luke and Tyler stepped out of the locker room all dressed like Derek.

Jackson made a face at me and pinched his nose,"the least you could do is spray some perfume," he said, his voice nasally.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and handed Derek my bag. "You try staying in that locker room for more than a minute, I almost suffocated," I retorted.

Pulling out a clean shirt, and shorts. I pulled off my dirty shirt and threw it at Derek, who caught it and shoved it in my bag-following our usual routine.

I put on my oversized T-shirt and pulled my shoes off and pulled my uniform off. Like always the guys whistled while I rolled my eyes and slid in my shorts, and finally my Nike slides.

"You should be a cheerleader Max, you've got the body and everything," Tyler suggested, once we started heading down the hall. I paused and so did Derek, both of us looking at Tyler before looking at each other and breaking into laughter.

"Seriously Tyler, she wouldn't make it a day with out getting in a fight," Jackson said.

"So true," I muttered, imagining the one time in elementary I actually wanted to try out for cheer, and then when they said no I flipped out and accidentally broke some girls nose.

They feared me from that day forward.

We all quieted down and walked to our cars. Practice took a toll on all of us and I just wanted to go home and sleep.

And as I walked to my car, Derek in tow, I couldn't help but glance around the parking lot at all my baseball players. They were screwing around even after practice, and I knew that my new team wouldn't even compare to them.


First chapter I hoped you enjoyed!

<3 SuperHero_Coconut

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