My First Date....Streamed to my Friends,by my Friends

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Wren's POV

The day had finally arrived,the day I never thought would  come in 9 years,my first date with the guy of my dreams,I've thought and dreamt about this for SOOOOOOO Long,and now it's here.For the next week throughout my classes,I'd imagine all the possibilities of dates we could go on and I thought of quite A LOT and I hope I get to go on the dates with just Jonghyun. 

I skipped back to my dorm once class had ended and it felt like watching paint dry and grass dying,yeah it felt THAT slow.

The strange thing when I got there was the door was unlocked and opened a bit. When I walked in and closed the door behind me,I could hear all my friends' voices so I headed over to where it was coming from,my room.When I walked in,I heard them all chatting around my closet,and I knew I was doomed so I slowly turned around and tried to sneak away from them.

"Wren,you're not a ninja. We heard you at the door when you came in and we can sure damn well hear you now." I heard a sassy,annoyed sounding tone which meant Diamond said that. I turned right back around and saw all 6 of my friends right in front of me with big smirks on their faces. They hadn't said anything and it was starting to freak me out.

"Grab Her." Iz whispered.

In an Instant,D and Ty grabbed each of my arms and dragged me to our bathroom in here,thank the lord we don't have to use public showers in college,cause people seeing this would most DEFINITELY get the wrong idea from this.


"Helping you get ready for your date,Mrs.Jonghyun Kim." I swear Ari was gonna use that against me for-freaking-ever.

"And dragging me to the bathroom instead of telling me is necessary?"

"No,just fun for us."

I gave them all a glare as Heather opened the bathroom door and they let me go while quickly walking out the door and shutting it.Our bathroom was a dark purple with a slight nod to Indian Decor,which we decided on when decorating it with help from the guys and girls.

Our bathroom was a dark purple with a slight nod to Indian Decor,which we decided on when decorating it with help from the guys and girls

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"Guys,I need a towel and something to put on when I finish,you know." I told them in a "duh" tone,annoyed by their choice of actions.

"We left you a towel,underwear and a robe,so take a chill pill. Besides we gotta pick out your outfit,figure out what to do with your hair and face before 6:30." Spence told me. 6:30? What's the rush?

"It's 4:30 now and besides,what's happening at 6:30 anyways?"

"You're gonna meet Jonghyun at the Campus Entrance,duh." Meet me at the front?

"And why can't he pick me up here instead?Wouldn't that be more gentleman like?"

They were silent for a bit and I heard hushed whispering,what are they hiding or planning? They're up to something,I know it.

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