Lost Loved One.

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The train had been stopped, Pietro rushing to Steve's side to aid him and Natasha in a quick battle.

"Miss me Rogers?" A voice called, filling the air as a massive air craft dispersed from the clouds.

"Fury you son of a bitch" he smiled, craning his neck up to marvel at the Helicarrier.

"Oooh, you kiss your Mother with that Mouth" Nick taunted back.

"Where you want me Stark?" A familiar voice called.

"Rhodey! Here, help me with this" Tony cheered and the two tin men set of to work.

"We will work on get civilians onto the Helicarrier, safe and out of harms way" Nick informed over the speaker and the Helicarrier was brought down to a low level.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D?" Pietro questioned, coming to a halt at Rogers side.

"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D is supposed to be" he confirmed.

"This not so bad" he grinned before zooming back of into the fight, with Natasha and Steve following close behind.

The team was now all gathered at the Orb, protecting it at all costs and taking out the swarms of robots. The Jackson twins however were still roaming the city, helping the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D agents get civilians aboard the Helicarrier.

"We're all clear, you can head onto the Helicarrier. We will clear up here" Lyla called over the ear piece, nodding to her sisters as they helped the last civilian up and led her to an Agent.

"What about Ultron?" Thor called.

"He is wounded somewhere after his bout with Vision, we will find him. It is fine, go!" Marina ordered and the team back at the stone gazebo nodded before dispersing.

"What about the orb?" Wanda questioned.

"I got it" Marina informed, the two sisters sprinting for the now empty gazebo as the team boarded the Helicarrier.

"You got this?" Lyla questioned.

Marina didn't have time to reply though, they both watched as Clint abandoned boarding the ship to grab a scared boy who was trapped beneath some rubble. It all seemed fine, until they noticed the lasers that were being cocked towards the archer. Everything seemed to blur, Pietro running in front of Clint and going to protect him. However, Pietro wasn't the one who got hit.

The lasers sounded and blood splashed against the speedster, but it wasn't his. He and Clint robotically turned around, looks of horror on their faces as they seen who protected them both. Lyla.

Her hair swayed in the wind, several bullet holes decorating her body and blood dying her clothes as she still stood. She smiled a strained and pained smile at Pietro as she spoke.

"Heh, bet you didn't see that coming" and she dropped, face pale and body cold as everything stilled.

Everything but Marina.

She slipped to the floor, rubble beneath her crumpled form as an ear piercing, soul shattering shriek ripped from her burning throat. An explosion of darkness filled the air of the whole city, taking out all bots but leaving the Team and civilians unscathed. She however spared one enemy. Ultron. She wanted to personally be there when the life slipped away from him.

Marina numbly stood, her wrists heavily bleeding from where the cuff had multiply shocked her from her breakdown. She stalked away from the gazebo, knowing now exactly where Ultron once because of her powers that had located him. He lay injured in the train that the Maximoffs had stopped, Beady red eyes staring into her pink ones as she advanced closer.

"The Jackson twin. Where's your other half?" He questioned.

She ignored him, kneeling down on her knees to be at eye level height with him.

"You shouldn't stay here, you will die" he informed.

"I just did" Marina coldly said, eyes steeling over as all other emotions seemed to slip away from her.
"Want to know what it felt like?" She questioned.

Marina placed her palm to Ultrons forehead, black mists seeping into his vibranium body and seeming to choke him as he sputtered. This went on for awhile until a mechanical heart was pushed from his body and Marina grasped it in her hand before crushing it.

"It felt like that" she whispered, shakily standing and releasing her fists to drop the crushed remains of Ultrons heart.

The city then began to drop, causing Marinas legs to stutter beneath her. She never fell though, strong arms lifted her up bridal style and she as out of there faster than she could imagine.
She knew who it was, and with being away from that city and in safe arms that were Pietro's, she could finally cry away her anguish and sadness.

She had lost her. Her best friend, her partner in crime, her sister, only single thread of family she had left. Gone.
She had lost, her other half.

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