Chapter Ten: Lunch

Começar do início

"Actually I would love to; you're okay with this right Naomi?" He asked but clearly wasn't going to leave one way or another.

I just shrugged and slurped at my soup.

"So, Duncan right? What're you majoring in pal?" Levi asked and leaned back, unzipping his blue and white letterman jacket. I quietly went about ignoring them and eating my lunch.

"I'm working at a degree as an English major and teaching major. I'm also minoring in religion."

I coughed on my soup for a second at his words but quickly regained myself and took a sip of water. Levi looked at me in concern but Duncan gave a small teasing grin only meant for my eyes.

"Nice...What're your plans after college?"

"Settle down somewhere in the area hopefully and get a teaching job." Duncan explained and stole a bite of my soup while I took a few more sips of water to soothe my nerves.

"Hmmm...where's your accent from?" Levi finally asked and almost snickered at him, clearly he was liking Duncan less and less as the questions continued.

"Canada." Duncan spoke in a clipped tone and glanced out the window; he was slowly becoming irritated with Levi's presence but clearly Levi was enjoying this.

"Canada huh? You got family up there?"

"No...I'm an orphan." Duncan spoke softly and this caused me to look up. He very seriously avoided mine and Levi's gazes and went on.

"When I was younger my parents went on a trip to the states and left me in the care of a distant cousin. While they were here though, they were suspiciously murdered. I was too young to remember them when it happened and now I'm too old to really go into trying to find details."

Levi's eyes softened and I could see he was internally contemplating his opinion about Duncan. As for me, I wasn't sure if it was even real or not. It seemed rather unlikely though to me.

"Whoa dude, I'm so sorry." Levi muttered and rubbed the back of his neck in an embarrassed fashion.

"It's okay...Being an orphan isn't exactly something I, my cooking skills. Those are something to brag about." Duncan winked in my direction and Levi was back to hating him.

"Right I bet...So, Naomi, I was wondering if you were still coming to my game tomorrow." Levi turned and asked sincerely. At least I thought it was sincerity. That or he was just trying to make Duncan jealous.

"That's the plan." I muttered and nibbled at the crusty roll that had come with my soup.

"Awesome, I'll tape off some seats for you." He beamed and I think I noticed Duncan flinch for a moment.

I squirmed a bit in my seat as Duncan suddenly spoke up.

"So I've got this party coming up Naomi, I wanted to know if you sold some Santa costumes that I can buy."

I blinked taken aback and shook my head with mock humor.

"I'm sure we can scrounge up something."

"Cool, then I'll just follow you over there."

This clearly pissed Levi off and Duncan soaked it up, loving every moment of their bickering. They glared at each other for a full thirty seconds before I felt the need to cut in.

"Listen guys, I think you both need to take a chill pill." I grumbled and swallowed the last bite of my lunch before returning my tray to the counter and walking away.

I left quietly and noticed them beginning to talk heatedly as I went past the window and continued on my way back to work.

Once I was back in the shop I was happy to find I was all alone with me and my thoughts for about an hour while my boss left me to look after the store solo.

The VirtuousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora