Chapter 2

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  Practice was rolling around quite nicely the past couple of weeks, or so Riko would like to think. They boys behaved well enough, showed much more talent than she thought was possible from them, and were punctual.

Well most of them at least.

It was three-thirty in the afternoon- practice started at three. The tanned one- Aomine-kun- she corrected herself, and the redhead with odd eyebrows- Kagami-kun- were late. And she hated tardy people.

An hour later, the two run into the gym.

"You're late." She hisses, and it has the intended effect- both boys shrink a little. From somewhere behind her, she can hear the purple-haired one- Murasakibara-kun- chuckle.

"Sorry, coach. We had detention." Kagami-kun at least has the decency to apologise, she decides.

"Why were you in detention?"

"Uh," Aomine has the grace to look sheepish as he rubs the back of his neck, "we were both caught sleeping in class."

Riko's eyes flare open, and she smacks both their heads with her clipboard.

"Go run five laps. That should wake you up plenty." Both of them groan, but head out anyway.

Riko turns back to face the rest of them.

"Rikocchi, please, don't be so harsh on them!" The blond- Kise Ryouta-kun; he'd insisted she call him by his birth name- tries reasoning. Despite him being a little noisy, she could see he was really a sweet boy at heart, and she smiles at him.

"They were morons, and they have to pay the price, Ryouta-kun." He frowns a little, before picking up a ball and continuing where he left off.

She picks up her clipboard, when the doors to the gym burst open.

"Riko-chan, sorry I'm late!" Satsuki hurries over to her side.

"It's okay. Aomine-kun and Kagami-kun should be finishing up their laps outside. Could you go check on them for me? The rest of you please practice your pass-course routes with Kuroko-kun."

She goes back to making notes on her clipboard, wondering why two high school athletes are taking so long to run laps.

"Riko-chan," Satsuki approaches her gingerly, and she begins to get suspicious, "they're playing a one-on-one game outside."

Riko's eye twitches, and she decides that she needs to head outside right now

And this is Chapter 2 of Sugar,Spice and Everything Nice. Sorry for the short chapter but don't worry it will get good in the next chapters



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