This is Perfect... or is it?

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Bey POV~

I drove to Erica's house first so I can drop off Zara. I pulled up in her driveway and helped Nicki and Zara out.

"Babe, what are we doing here?"

"We're just dropping Zara off. Today is all about you, baby girl.", I say looking at her and she blushed. Erica opens the door and go crazy when she she's Zara.

"Oh my god! Zara, you got so big. Jacob come say hi to your aunties.", she yelled up the steps.

(Jacob is the same age, just Erica's kid now.)

"Hey TT Nic and TT Bey."

"Hey, buddy. How's school.", Nicki asked hugging him. I didn't even notice how sexy she looked.

"Babe! Come back I miss- shit!", I heard someone said and I turned around and saw Bonnie. I raised my eyebrows.

"Babe?", me and Nicki says at the same time. We looked at Erica.

"You know what? We're gonna go, Zara we'll see you later.", I said kissing her forehead.

"Bye mommy and mama."

We waved and once we stepped out the door and into the car we busted out laughing.

"Did you see the look on their faces!?", she asked while laughing. I nodded and laughed with her. I started up the car and headed to the arena. Nicki doesn't know this but I got up front row tickets to see Monica.

She's her favorite artist. I hear her sing her songs around the house. One time, in her sleep. This is just to show her how much I love her and for what she did for my birthday.

We finally pulled into the parking lot and I dugged through my purse and found the tickets.

"Babe, why are we here?", she asked looking confused. She looks so adorable.

"You'll see once we go to the booth."

I helped her out of the car and held her hand until we got to the booth next to the door.

"Hi, how can I help you ma'am?"

"Here you go. I already pre-paid.", I said giving him the tickets. Nicki is still looking confused. That'll change.

"That'll will be 2nd floor, 1st door on your right.", he says and I smiled.

"Thank you."

We walked inside and I followed his directions. I walked inside and I saw her face light up. She turned around and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much! ¡No sabía que ibas a hacer esto! ¡Te quiero mucho! Por qué, cómo?", she says still hugging me and I smiled while looking for our seats.

"I did it last week while you were sleep.", I said smirking. She squinted her eyes.

"That's why you did SOOO many rounds, so I can sleep longer.", she asked and I nodded. She shook her head and kissed me.

"That's cruel, but thank you."

"No problem", I say kissing her hand.
Unknown POV~

"You are going to find them and bite her.", I say compelling him. He nodded and left. I sat down with a smirk on my face.

Let the games begin.
Bey POV~
After Concert

We were walking back to our car laughing and talking and we saw Tyler walk up to us.

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