No Strings Attached

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John got back to 221b at 8:30 in the evening. He had spent the rest of the day talking things through with Greg - who was very helpful about the whole situation.

As he shut the door, a flicker of light caught his eye. He turned around to see what the light was. A small candle was placed a couple of feet away from him. John slowly approached the tea light and noticed a note lying in front of it.

'You are the light of my life'

John smiled. What was that man up too?

John regained his posture and waltzed towards the stair case, which was also illuminated with small candles. He also noticed on his way up that there was a trail of beautiful red rose petals scattered on the floor, trailing up to the door of the shared flat. He looked up at the uncommonly-shut door and saw another note.

'<---- Pull the string :) '

John glanced to his left and saw a bowed string hanging down from the top of the door. He gave the string a gentle tug and slowly the door opened.

John carefully stepped in and was welcomed to a room full of rose petals. He then saw that a path had been made by tea lights. Hanging from the ceiling were threads of what looked like violin strings with notes hanging from them. John reached up and plucked the first piece of paper from the curled wire.

'I'd give up forever to touch you,

'cause I know that you feel me somehow.

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't want to go home right now...'

- Iris, The Goo Goo Dolls

John smiled and took a step forwards to pluck the next note off of the next string.

'I'm never going down,

I'm never giving up,

I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up,

if you like me then say you like me.

- Say You Like Me, We The Kings

(I hope you like me...I am your boyfriend after all).'

This made the doctor chuckle. Of course I like you, idiot. John carried on plucking notes from the violin strings.

'A heart full of love,

A heart full of you,

A single look and then I knew...'

Loving The Sociopath (Johnlock)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz