Thirteen Candles

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"Take the summer to think about it, but remember that your lives do now belong to me: say no if you wish, but if you even think of betraying me, then…well, there's a reason people fear the darkness: go on, ask me what it is."

"What is it?" asked Pansy, sharing Hadrian's shark-like smile as she saw him in his element for the first time in a long time.


Chapter 14: Thirteen Candles

Now that his secret was out and his closest allies knew the truth about his dark power, Hadrian actually felt content in the knowledge that he was forming his own army of darkness. The Light had the likes of the Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix – described to him by Bellatrix when he was younger – while the so-calledDark had his Death Eaters and network that spanned the country, but when he came into his full power, Hadrian knew that neither force would be able to hold a candle to him.

With his Brotherhood and the rest of Slytherin under his direct command, Hadrian knew that he had officially taken the first steps into the darkness that the Prophecy of the One spoke of. His birthday 'coronation' at Acheron Castle would be the next step and the final step would come in the moments where Hadrian crossed swords with Voldemort once again.

One mercy that Hadrian allowed himself to feel was the fact that, now that his most-loyal had been discovered and the truth was out, he now felt able to share more time with them. Studying, working on their magic – both Hogwarts-permitted and not, which meant the Dark Arts – or, in Hadrian's case, counting down the days to his thirteenth birthday.

It felt kind of humorous that he was to be turned into…whatever he was to become on the 31st of July, but the humour was more courtesy of Draco and Hermione as they made a note of the fact that 13-31 was what Hermione called a palindromic event: it was the same forwards as it was backwards.

"Imagine if you were actually born on the 31st minute of the 13th hour as well," Draco had joked, but Hadrian had let a smirk show in response: it wasn't that funny, but the feelings of companionship and moral support were there.

Another big assist in distracting Hadrian from his impending de-humanisation was Lucien: true to his word, the ex-Dark Lord's spirit began to return Hadrian's feel of power and stay true to the pledge that he was a servant and warrior of the true Lord of Darkness. He told Hadrian about spells and rites that he remembered, information on some more of the actions and members of the Death Eaters. Knowing that Lucius and Bellatrix were no longer members of that faction actually amused Lucien to no end as he told Hadrian about how the so-called Dark Lord, in the event of his actual return, would probably throw a hissy fit when he learned his two most-devoted servants were in servitude to his hated enemy.

"It will be even funnier after this year rewards me with a third former Death Eater turned to my cause," Hadrian argued, earning a nod from Lucien.

The once-Dark Lord didn't know which member of his former self's forces Hadrian was talking about, but whoever it was must have clearly warranted some attention from the Black Kaiser, otherwise why would he bother mentioning them?

As well as Lucien, Hadrian's distractions were also assisted by Neville and Pansy: his apprentice took up some of Hadrian's time by learning more about the wand-less arts of the Dark while Pansy, in her role as his Consort, took up some of Hadrian's time with her mere presence and letting him talk about other things aside from the approaching date. She also received his permission to talk about herself a little more so that Hadrian knew everything about his future Black Queen.

When she explained about her Father and how he was one of the servants of the pretender – as the group soon took to calling Voldemort – her lord's reaction was just what she had expected. He faced her head-on and told her straight that, when the time came, he would expect her to remain true to his cause even if it meant taking out the elders of the Parkinson line and making her the new head of the family.

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