The King's New Warrior

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In the dorms, Theo had also moved out of the dorm as he realised he was unworthy to share his Master's space and, in his place, Draco now joined Blaise and Hadrian and, by the end of the week, things seemed to return to whatever passed for normal in the Snake Pit.

Though there were those of them who knew and understood that things would never be the same again…

Not with Hadrian Potter as the new Slytherin King, it wouldn't…

Chapter 5: The King's New Warrior

On the morning of their first Potions lesson, which to their disbelief was with those Gryffindor morons, the Slytherin first-years gathered in the study annexe of the Common Room where, at the head of their group, Hadrian took his seat within the new throne that he'd been given by the snakes, linking his fingers as he looked at the group assembled before him. As always, Draco, Blaise and Pansy took their own spots next to their King while Theo made a move to his usual place at his Master's feet, only to be stopped by a raised hand from Hadrian before he beckoned away, clearly giving the broken-spirited boy a day of freedom for his loyal services.

Once Theo fell back into place, Hadrian took a deep breath before he addressed the first-years with his usual icy tone, "I'm not going to lie to you: I'm not looking forwards to this morning's lesson as much as the rest of you aren't either. But instead of showing dread and weakness, we're going to show that we're stronger as a House united. Thanks to Draco's information on how Professor Snape runs his lessons, I know that there'll be study partners made for the year ahead: however, while the Gryffindors fall over themselves, I am going to decide ours here and now. Any questions?"

"No," chorused the first-years as Hadrian lifted one of his hands, pointing first to his three closest allies.

"Pansy, as our clearly-smarter, better-attitude and more worthy version of that Mudblood, you will be partnered with me," he explained, earning a wide-eyed look from Pansy before Hadrian continued, "Don't worry, just because I compared you to the buck-toothed freak doesn't mean I expect you to act like some OCD-needing witch: just make sure you do nothing to endanger my marks in Snape's class and do exactly as we're instructed and you won't need to hear me call you that again, understand?"

"Yes Hadrian," Pansy replied, still slightly shocked that their King had chosen her to partner up with him when Draco was the better Potions aide or Blaise was someone that Hadrian could trust.

Ignoring the obvious unspoken question, Hadrian then continued, "Blaise, you will work with Millicent while Draco and Daphne partner up as well: as for the Carrows, you'll be pairing with Crabbe and Goyle."

"Why us with them?" asked Flora, her choice of words and sharp-tongued exclamation earning a sideways glance from the Slytherins as they slowly moved away from her.

Lowering his hand from where he'd been resting it against the side of his head, Hadrian cocked an eyebrow in an almost-perfect pureblood expression of curiosity before he answered simply, "Because I say so…and because you need to learn your lesson from siding with the foolish earlier this week. And, speaking of fools, this just leaves you, Theo: and, as it happens, I have a special assignment for you, my little pet: do well and you will have not only earned your place as a real member of my circle once again, but you will have also earned my forgiveness."

"How may I serve you, my King?" asked Theo, stepping forwards before, in a manner similar to certain wizards before another half-blood Lord, he dropped to one knee and waited for his orders.

"There is a member of Gryffindor whom has caught my eye," Hadrian explained, linking his fingers as he explained, "However, I have heard rumours that he is…somewhat intimidated by Professor Snape and is considered to be a Squib despite his pureblood lineage. It will be your task, Theo, to help cure him of the intimidation against Snape and, once you're sure he's ready, you will bring him before me, do you understand this assignment?"

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