Keep Your Friends Close

Start from the beginning

"Well…" Pansy answered, looking to Blaise, who nodded solemnly, but gave her a look that said she should be careful, "Last year, after we received the all-clear, we came back here and…we felt something: it was sort of like what we felt when you silenced the pixies in Lock-Fraud's class, but it was worse."

"What did you do?"

"The boys and I came to the dorm," Pansy explained, seeing Hadrian's back to her as though he was afraid of what she was about to say, which Pansy knew to be impossible as Hadrian Potter had never shown fear. Keeping her heart as calm as she could, Pansy added, "We thought you were hurt and, since you and Draco are related while you and Blaise are closely-trusted allies, I knew it fell to me to see if you were okay. So…I sort of…opened the door."

"I see," Hadrian muttered, before to the horror of the trio, the door to the Slytherin dorm slammed shut, the magic in the air as thick and menacing as it usually was whenever Hadrian lost his temper.

"Hadrian…we didn't mean to pry…" Blaise explained, nodding to Pansy to move before she got hurt, "But…even though we're…we're like warriors to you…you're like a friend to me and the true ruler of this House. We…we just wanted to…"

"Blaise," Hadrian replied, his voice as cold as ever as he turned to look to the three of them, his gaze like ice as he told Blaise, "Stop talking: as for you, Pansy, answer me a question."

"O-Okay," Pansy stammered; she couldn't stop the fear rising in her as she looked to those cold emerald-green eyes, "What c-c-can I do for you, Hadrian?"

"The fact that Blaise and Draco are as terrified as you," Hadrian replied, looking to the other two before he asked, "Am I right in guessing from this that you didn't tell anyone exceptthem about what you saw?"

"Yes!" Draco exclaimed, now stepping between Hadrian and the two Slytherins as he explained, "We didn't tell anyone else, Hadrian: I wouldn't anyway because I know what it means for you to hold onto this mask of yours. But, when Pansy told us about what she saw, I was worried for you: we're family, Hadrian, and I don't just say that because…because of your guardian," he added, knowing that Pansy still hadn't been told about Hadrian's guardian while Hermione, Blaise and, at a length, Longbottom had all learned the truth.

"You kept to your sense of loyalty to me, is that right?" asked Hadrian, earning a nod from Pansy.

"We're all loyal to you," Blaise argued, "But…no offence, Hadrian, but you've never shown that side of you, not even back at that place! So, I guess Pansy's talking about it now because…we know that there are trials you'll face in the feast tonight."

"I don't know what could have forced you to shed tears like you did," Pansy explained, earning a cold glare from Hadrian before she moved close to him and, taking his hand in hers, she added, "And if you don't want to tell me, then I won't ask, Hadrian: what I do want, however, is for you to know that if you ever need to shed your skin and show the boy you are inside, then you can trust us: Blaise, Draco and I. We'll never say anything to anyone because we know about the levels of trust that you show to us. That's a promise, my King."

She then dropped to her knees before him, Blaise and Draco following suit before she continued, "And as proof of my promise, I, Pansy Kristen Parkinson, pledge to you, Hadrian James Potter, my fealty as a witch and Heiress of House Parkinson. I can be a friend to you if it is your will or I can be nothing more than a tool to be used as you wish and then disposed of when I become useless to you: your secrets are mine to keep and hold close and my skills and knowledge are yours to use as you so wish. This is my oath."

Then, as Hadrian looked down at her, Pansy took a Potions knife from her pocket and, before he could even begin to guess what she was going to do, the girl plunged the knife straight through the palm of her hand, spilling blood onto the floor before she grunted, "And this is to make sure I never forget it."

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