Chapter 3

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Jess P.O.V

4 months later

I laid in bed. Staring into the morning sunlight, glazing through my thin white curtains. I looked around my room. All the photos cascaded around showing the memories they held. I was doing this regularly now. Thinking about the dreams that i have had the night before in flashes before my eyes.

I was falling, falling in the darkness, falling in the silence, but a voice echoed through it like a speaker. "No More." The voice spoke to her. I couldn't place the voice at first. With every dream came a different tone from the mysterious unknown voice. I only recognised the voice once. Last nights, was the doctors voice, talking in her sub conscience. Speaking quotes I didn't understand. It confused me.

After putting all the thoughts about my dreams behind me. I got out of bed, had a shower and had breakfast, I needed to go into town to pick up some paint for the new feature wall in my bedroom. I got the keys to my car and drove into town. It was busy today, I couldn't be bothered walking through the park to go to the paint store since there were no car parks. I sat on a bench in the middle of the park. Admiring the view and feeling the almost afternoon sun on my face. It was nice, and I enjoyed the moment.

I got up and started walking towards the shop and through all the people, when I almost shoved over by a man almost sprinting away from something. "Sorry! I didn't see you there". The man said. My vision slightly blurring for a second as I focused on the man. I saw what he was wearing. "Doctor?" I ask. "Jess, Hello!!, How've you been aye?" He asked happily. "Good! Yourself?" I replied in a daze. " Im great..Yeah. No midnight walks I hope" he said while point his index finger at me. I chuckle and say no.

I look at him, he seems like he is in a rush. "Are you in a rush?" I ask the doctor. "Yes, I am in a matter of fact, you know saving the world." The doctor replied. I looked at him in confusion. "Okay, well i'll be off and I hope have fun...saving the world". I replied with a smile on my face. "Okay! Yes! See you around Jess Black." He replied. We both then walked out separate ways.

When I entered the paint shop, the door gave off a ding above the door, indicating that I was in the store. I searched around aimlessly looking at every single colour of paint in the store. One colour stood out. It was a dark blue, I think it will fit the room quite nicely. I grabbed the tub of paint and headed towards the counter. "that's 25 pounds thanks" said the cashier. He kept looking at me like I'm some zoo animal. I thanked him and headed towards the exit. "excuse me, miss? Would you like to have a drink with me sometime?" he said. "Nope." I replied bluntly while not even glancing at him on the way out.

When I arrived home, I set everything out that I would need to paint my room. Set out duct tape. Move furniture. Covered the floor with an old dusty unused sheet. I was already 3/4 of the way of painting my wall, when the door bell rung repeatedly. I gave my self some time to get up then heard hard knocking on the door after the bell had chimed. "Alright already! I heard the first time." I said cheekily. The door was knocked again. "And that time too. I get it it's urgent, but I'm almost at the door!!" I replied now slightly aggravated. The person at the door keep knocking. "OKAY IM ALMOST THE-" I immediately stopped my sentence as i opened the door in a rush. I gazed at the person. He grinned and waved at me.

It was the doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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