Its Time

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This is my first book I have ever written so it would be great if you guys could give me any advice that you think I could use.

Enjoy chapter 1!


The full moon shined bright as Jess Black walked down the street slowly. Her eyes gazing upwards, she thought about her life. The way she wanted to travel anywhere and escape her life. Jess was too far lost in her own thoughts to hear the increasing footsteps coming from behind her. Jess suddenly thought of all of the bad things that happen in movies. She quickly turned around on the spot, only to see no one there. "Hello?" Jess called worriedly. She ignored her anxiety and continued to walk at a faster pace. 'Just over thinking my thoughts' Jess thought to calm herself down. Just blame the tipsyness as she had just been to a hens night for one of her friends. She was a little drunk so Jess thought that she might be hallucinating a bit. Something wasn't right, Jess turned on the spot. All of a sudden Jess was grabbed from behind, she was too in shock to move until adrenaline kicked in and he started kicking and struggling. She tried to escape from her captor "let go of me!" Jess attempted to yell. She struggled with all of her will an kicked him where it hurt. He immediately crumpled to the ground in agony as Jess ran for her life. Jess made it to the pathway of her house before until he grabbed her again and this time he didn't plan on letting go "stop struggling" the man said. It only made her do it more. His hand went over her mouth as he tried to drag her away. Then there was a strange mechanical sound and her captor went limp. Jess stumbled to her side as went down, she was caught be another person. "No let go of me" she yelled. She struggled to get out her new "captors" arms, but he was too strong. "hey shhhh your okay now, your fine" the man said. She immediately calmed down by his voice. She jumped out his arms and faced her mysterious saviour. "how do I know that your not one of them?" Jess asked. "Well if I was, which I'm not, don't you think that I would have dragged you to wherever they wanted to take you?" the man stated. For some reasons she had a strange trust in him. Jess have him the up-down look, her eyes stopped at the red bow tie sitting around his neck. "I believe you, serial killers don't wear bow ties" Jess said cheekily. "oi watch it you, bow ties are cool" the man said confidently as he readjusted it. "so what happened?" The man asked. "Well I was walking home... and this person just... he just grabbed me.." Jess said zoning out a bit replaying what had just happened. I felt suddenly felt dizzy. "Do I know you?" I slurred as my vision turned blurry and the man turned into a blob. I lost my balance and stumbled sideways. I grabbed the fence post for support. Jess could feel herself slipping away. She feel forward and Jess plummeted into darkness.



Hey guys so here is chapter 1. Hope you like it.

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