His Worst Nightmare!

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All Pairings TBC

Normal Speech


'Shadow Speech'


Chapter 1: His Worst Nightmare

On the night that Lord Voldemort was destroyed, there were many different reactions from many different people;

The faithful to the light and its ways of justice and hope celebrated as an infant child was hailed as the Boy-Who-Lived, the slayer of Lord Voldemort and the Saviour of Good.

The faithful to the other side, the side of darkness, on the other hand all ran and hid in fear and spirits of building rages as they wondered just how this baby had managed to destroy their Master. Some of the more faithful actually allowed themselves to be captured and sent to Azkaban Prison while the members of the faithful who believed their own version of the Greater Good could be used to aid their Master's return pleaded about being under the Imperius Curse and managed to get off scot-free.

As for this saviour, this infant child who had no idea of the ways that fate and destiny were about to work for him, he was left on a doorstep of a house in Surrey, peacefully sleeping through the night as those who left him there parted for their own ways.

Within the street in Little Whinging, Surrey, Harry James Potter turned over in his sleep and seemed to ignore the cold that bit at his skin, his tuft of jet-black hair blowing in a non-existent breeze revealing a small lightning-bolt scar. It was this scar that would be the only remnant that Harry would have to draw on whenever he thought of his parents.

But, unbeknownst to the baby as he slept through the night, it would also be this marking that opened the floodgates and let the forces of destiny work with him to bring Harry to a future that he would love and cherish;

His future…

Darkness Is My Ally

Albus Dumbledore sat down within Hogwarts' Headmaster's Office, unsticking two sherbet lemons before he popped one of them in his mouth, his face as apathetic as the world's greatest liar as he considered his actions of this night.

He had known that it would only be a matter of time before his compelled suggestion for James to switch Sirius and Peter as Secret Keepers came back to bite the now-deceased Potter Lord on his ass: Pettigrew wasn't exactly the pinnacle of loyalty, not when it mattered that he could get something out of it. Of course, Albus had also known that the rat-faced man was a member of Voldemort's circle, which was why it was essential that the hands of fate work in hisfavour.

Hearing Sybil provide that prophecy when Dumbledore was certain that she was as much of a Seer as he was had changed Dumbledore's priorities: for nearly fifty years, he had fought tooth and nail to put an end to Tom Riddle's reign of terror and now, according to her, it would fall to some…child to destroy him with powers the world knew not. A quick Obliviate spell had taken care of the often-drunken witch remembering that she'd given the prophecy and, after that, Dumbledore had gone to work on making sure things went about for this so-called Chosen One.

So James had needed to die for Lily to become desperate enough to enact the Ancient Magics and protect her son with self-sacrifice?

So Sirius was now on his way to Azkaban screaming about his innocence?

So Harry would now spend the next ten years living with Muggles who hated magic as much as the Salem Witch Hunters of old?

So what?

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