Tags part 1

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I was tagged by Kenzie-Winchester enjoy!

1. What's one thing in your closet you cannot live without?

Probably my Emøtional Røadshøw t-shirt. I got it 3 sizes too big so I can wear it until I'm 30.

2. What's one food you cannot live with out?

Subs. I could eat a sub every day for the rest of my life. Also, my best friend's parents own a store that sells subs so that's pretty Gucci.

3. Cake or Ice Cream?

Ice cream. I really like Ben and Jerry's the Tonight Dough. It's a ton of different cookie doughs put together, and it has Jimmy Fallon on it so what's not to like?

4. Favorite quote or phrase you'd like to live by?

Either "Under clothes, under skin, underneath we're all the same. For, when you remove the tricky tricks only skeleton bones remain." Or "While you're doing fine, there's some people and I who have a really tough time getting through this life so excuse us while we sing to the sky." OR "I will make you believe you are lovely." All by twenty øne piløts.

5. Guilty Pleasure?

I like to watch people clean??

6. What is your perfect date with your celebrity crush?

A Blink-182 concert with Josh Dun.

7. What is one thing on your bucket list?

I really want to go to where they shot Harry Potter in London. You can go on the Hogwarts express. >u<

8. Favorite TV show?

Bob's Burgers

9. What is one of your greatest achievements?

Ummm I got noticed by Nick Jonas. I don't achieve much.

10. Friends or family?

Family because my family is very supportive and caring. And most of my family is young so I can talk to them and relate to them. My youngest aunt is 16 so.

11. Wealth or education?

Education because you can get a good job because you are smart and get wealthy.

12. Last song you listened to?

Bang Bang by Green Day

13. Reason why you joined Wattpad?

Joshua William Dun.

I tag:

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