Exo Luhan

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Annyeonghaseyo! I wonder if any of you are still there to read my B2ST and Exo One Shots? I am so sorry for not updating for so long and I am currently in process of editing my previous one-shots.. ..


"Luhan oppa I love you sooooooo much!" Soo-Mi said as she leapt to her feet into Luhan's embrace, startling him.

"Yah.. you scared me!" he said in a playful 'annoyed' voice. Soo-mi simply giggled and hugged him even tighter.

There I was, standing behind a pillar watching their every move. I can feel my heart stung by every intimate moves, every joke they share. Luhan and I? Would never ever have a chance of being together. I will never know how it is like to be in love with someone who loves you back.

"Hey Young-Jin! What are you doing there? Come here and lets do our homework together!" I was so lost in my own thoughts that I did not realise I have been staring at Luhan the whole time. I felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks so I quickly used my hands to cover my face.

"Err.. I was not doing anything.." I smiled sheepishly in embarrassment as I walked over to their table.

Upon seeing me, Soo-Mi gave me a hug to welcome me, "Come here! Luhan loves you more than he does to me!'

Even though I knew she was joking, but I could not help but to blush.

I took a peek at Luhan to find that he had been blushing too. He is definitely different from the other boys.

He is good looking, kind, great in studies and has the charm to make girls falling beneath his feet though he is never a playboy, he would never toy with the feelings of girls.

"See the blush on your cheeks!" she teased me, "Oh, and Luhan you too! Guess I would have to leave you little love birds for time for yourselves!" she said before grabbing her stuffs, turning to leave.

"No-" Luhan began but was interrupted by Soo-mi's playful voice,

"Enjoy your time, so-there!" she said before skipping off.

After she have left, me and Luhan were left in awkward silence. Both of us started to study. No conversations were involved. Even so, I felt happy and was glad to be left alone with my huge crush.

"Erm.. do you want a drink?" Luhan began. After what seems like 5hours?

 I was startled that I jerked.

"Sorry to scare you." he said feeling apologetic.. I placed my hand on my chest to calm my nerves, "Nah it okay. Did you say you wanted a drink? Lets go together! Pack your stuffs!" I said. Luhan smiled and relaxed as we began to pack our stuffs.




"So what do you want to drink?" Luhan asked me as we approached a bubbletea shop by the streets.

"Well.. I.." I said as my eyes swept through the menu for a drink I like.

"I want a-" but before I could complete my sentence, somebody accidentally pushed me which caused me to trip over. At that moment, a pair of strong arms caught me by the back.

And I knew they were Luhan's.

He caught me in his arms in a way I was staring directly in his eyes. For that split second, I could almost felt sparks surrrounding beside us. But that moment was interrupted by the crowd cheering,


Luhan quickly helped me up to my feet. I began to tug at my skirt.

That moment was really,.

"I am sorry.." Luhan said.

I couldn't say a word out so I just gave a apologetic look.

"But that was kind of.. fun." Luhan said shyly.

I smiled and I am pretty sure there were sparks,

"Me too." I replied, blushing.

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