Chapter Three: Breath of Air....

Start from the beginning

"Of course," Akia timidly agreed. "Being a king must be stressful, to rule a whole kingdom." She looked towards the handsome king to see his dark green eyes staring back at her, she immediately turned her head the other way. The feeling of running off and hiding behind one of the statues until he goes away was higher than staying and being near his presence.

"Being a king is not mainly about ruling and telling others what to do," Theo clarified, making Akia look back towards him with a questionable look. "'Tis about trust, loyalty, and making sure the people does not want to see your head on a spike or a stick being rammed up my arse..."

Akia could not help herself but laugh out from his harsh imagination, she instantly stifled her laughs with both hands, before saying. "Sorry, your highness. I did not mine to-"

"No no," Theo shook his head, "You have a beautiful laugh, so I am going to let this one pass." He smiled, showing his straight white teeth. Under her hand, her lips tugged into a smile from his compliment and his dashing smile. "Did anyone tell you, you are really beautiful, Akia?"

Her brown eyes widened in sudden shock from his question. "W-well..." She didn't know what to say nor what to do.

"Because, you are extremely beautiful and have a beautiful laugh- what else are you hiding? Your smile? Please, set your hands down Akia."

Akia didn't budge one bit, she was still shocked from his compliments. Theo reached out and gently tugged on her bare wrist, instantly her body went warm and numb. She let down her shield and showed her small smile to the handsome king, who was now satisfied, "For the few times we spoke with one another, I told you about myself. Tell me about you,"

"Well..." her smile slightly dropped. "There is not much to tell, my lord."

"Of course there is. Tell me your native lands, your home, your family, what do you like? There so much to speak of. You do not have to be timid around me,"

Akia looked down to see and feel Theo's large hand on top of both of her small hands; spreading more warmth through out her body. "Th-there's nothing to tell, my lord." She ever so slowly, removed her hands from his warmth. Akia wanted to tell everything about herself to the handsome king, but if she done so; she may become attached to him like a friend. Akia debated rather or not, if she should open up to him; in which, she did. "Perhaps, I should say; I have over six siblings, me being the oldest."

"Whoa, and here I thought two siblings was a lot." Theo chuckled. "How could you manage?"

"'Tis not hard, they are kind and do not cause a fuss. My parents worked as farmers, so I do house chores; cooking, cleaning, teaching the children calculations, reading and writing." Once again, her lips tugged into a smile; not because of his dark green eyes staring at her with fascination not his warmth, but because of her wonderful family she misses and love.

"You had a lot on your plate. What did you do on your free time?" Theo asked.

Akia took a deep breath of air, "The same thing I am doing now." Her brown eyes wandered around the large area.

"Sitting by yourself and staring to the sky?" He questions; knowing the obvious answer.

"Aye, sometimes one needs alone time- a breath of fresh air as you say. I use to imagine where my life would take me if I left home, mainly when I was younger. As I grew up, I noticed my responsibilities and never asked that question again."

Theo face slightly changed from soft to stern, "You coming to York, was your responsibility?"

Akia of her head yes, "Aye. There was not much jobs at home to help my family and the jobs available was made for men. I had to leave home, to aid my family, to make sure they're safe and well."

"How generous. You love your family very much. Not only are you beautiful, your kind and smart, hearing that you taught six kids things that majority of these older villagers does not know. I admire you, Akia."

"Th-thank you, my lord." She quivered as Theo's warm fingers gliding up against her cheek to swipe a lock of her dark brown hair from her face. However, he did not remove his fingers as he gliding down to her neck while inching his face closer to hers.

Akia started to panic; shaking inside out, from head to toe. His lips was close to hers; so close, if she twitch they would touch. A kiss.... He's going to kiss me, what should I do?... She stood to her feet immediately, "Goodnight, my lord!" She basically screamed out, Akia could of woken up the whole castle with her panicked voice. Like a scared little mouse, she scurried off towards the cabins where the other fellow servants slept peacefully; unaware of Akia's absence.

The next morning was not as pleasant as Akia expected; waking up in freezing temperatures of York, cleaning a dining hall full of food and broken tables, and bringing King Theo his meal- while avoiding him as well. The dining hall held the usual brawl between the prideful knights as they drink wine and ale; celebrating the battle they won.

As Akia cleaned the large area with fellow servants, she also watched the dining hall open and close; as if he would walk in anytime with his chest poked out, eyes dark green and the aurora of pride and power radiating off his skin.

All night, after their conversation, Akia could not stop thinking about the handsome king and the look of fascination upon his perfectly sculpted face. The young woman was fond of his looks, and confidence. If only.... she could not finish her own thought. If only she was not peasant, but one of the royals; maybe, just maybe she could be in Theo's presence- to at least see him everyday without having the concern of being stoned for staring.

However, even if she wanted to be close to such a handsome man; it was still a foolish dream. In this kingdom and even back at home, people like herself are set to marry their own class. Only higher class she could go to is a shoe maker or locksmith.

Yet, Akia still though of him as if she was on his level. She was stuck with him on her mind, clouding her reasonings of being on their foreign land. Wages and work for family.... Images of her family went through her mind, pushing Theo out of her vision and towards the mess in front of her.

I can not think of him. It will cause trouble for me... Focus on what actually matters.... Family....

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