Chapter Seven: Tonight...

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My love...

The small paper in Akia's hand read. Her breath hitched with nervousness and excitement; she already knew what is written inside. But to make sure, Akia opened the small paper that holds a important message.

I am very sorry you have to see me yell at my sister. I do not think of you as a birthing animal. No, I think of you as my love, wife and my secret queen. I must see you, to properly apologize for my actions. Please meet me in front of the Cupid statue near the edge of the French kingdom. Before you leave put on the beautiful blue dress Lady Adorn packed and burn the letter. There are spies everywhere. I hope you do not keep me waiting..

Akia grinned from ear to ear as she went to the roaring fire, to burn the letter. Once the paper turned into ashes, Akia went to her bag and pulled out the blue dress. Theo was right, the dress was beautiful to Akia. The fabric was soft and once she puts it on her body; it flowed.

Time is wasting. Akia thought as she set up pillows on the bed to represent her sleeping body, just in case a maid or servant peeks in. She hurried into the dark corridor, with only the torches lighting a small area of the wall.

Akia pressed her back on the stone wall as she crept passed the distracted guards, that was chatting about the princess in a inappropriate manner. She wanted to call them out on their words, but Akia had not time as her king was waiting for her in the cold night air.

Excitement rushed through her body once she felt the cold breeze hit her cheek. A huge smile crept on Akia's face; showing deep dimples on her cheek. Even though the letter did not say they was getting married tonight, Akia had a feeling. A weird feeling.

Once by the cupid statue, Akia stopped to look around for her king. But she only saw the low fog that blocked her clear vision from the further distance. "My king." She said in a loud whisper. There was no answer. Only crickets and frogs replied back.

"Theo." She called out once more, but a little louder. Still no answer, just the creatures of the night answering back. "My love." She can hear her own hope draining in her voice. He's not coming. The king concluded that it is not a very bright idea to marry a servant. Maybe it's best for the kingdom and for him. Akia sighed at her own thoughts before leaning on the statue.

"My love." A whisper went through her ear, as she felt large hands around her thick waist; making her jump in fear. Theo laughed and walked from behind the statue to see his love panting and holding her chest.

"Theo, you gave me a fright." Akia stated before clearing her throat.

"My apologies. Sorry I am late, Jeffery was holding me a little too late in his studies. We was discussing the wedding, Fran's wedding." His thick fingers went to Akia's cold cheek. "You're freezing, I should have came sooner."

"I am fine. I am glad you came to me. I thought you would of never shown your face." Akia looked away from her King.

"Why wouldn't I? That would be very awful of me to leave my love at the altar, or in this case a statue in the middle of the night; where scavengers and drunken guards lurk around." The thought of Akia being out here alone with horny and drunken men that has no respect for women made Theo cringe. "Any who, we must leave. Before the priest gets impatient."


Theo chuckled. "Well yes. I hope you didn't forget about our wedding, love. I guess hanging around Fran for too long has gotten your brain scrambled." He poked Akia's head. "Well come on, time is wasting and the sun is going to rise in a few hours. I want to have time to lay with my newly wife." He grabbed her soft hands and led her into the dark woods.

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