Reality That Was

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By the time we got to school the next day, the rumors were all over the place concerning what happened yesterday. They ranged from us actually doing it on the football field to I had a brain tumor, only had so much time to live, and that’s why I’d taken Peter back. The whole thing was laughable, really.

Some were surprised we were back together, hence the brain tumor rumor, while other’s weren’t as surprised. Garin, of course, was livid, unable to understand why I would forgive Peter. I told him as politely as possible that it was none of his business but that didn’t change anything between him and me. We were still friends and all that was entailed in that. He was still upset but after I told him he was basically the only friend I had and I really needed his support, he shut up.

Then there was Darken and Amber. One brushed it off while the other…well, Amber was a constant state of rage, hate, and just about every other horrible emotion. It was so bad I could feel the truth of her present follow me around all day like a dark cloud.

Darken came to talk to me at lunch.

“You’re back with the firestarter.”

My pen froze over my paper and I very carefully lifted my eyes to look at him.

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

His head tilted to the side, his disapproval shinning through very cold eyes. He sat down slowly and I got the distinct feeling he was in predator mode. We were officially back where we were when we first met.

“It’s a little bit of a problem, yes.”

“How so?”

“I’m going to say this as carefully as I can, Cass, and I hope you won’t hate me for it later.”

I sighed. “Darken…”

“He’s not who you think he is.”

“What the hell does that mean? If you don’t like him that’s your problem…”

“That’s not it. I actually commend him on this round, he played it well. But you’re going to end up being hurt again. I promise you. Anyone who dates a Marks twin will wind up with nothing more than pain and a broken heart.”

I just stared at him. I was completely floored and unable to respond correctly.

“I’m still your friend. I’ll always be your friend but I don’t want to see you hurt. Neither does my brother.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? I know he’s mad at me…”

“He’s a little more than mad and I think you know that. You hurt him with what you said yesterday but he’ll get over it.” He reached out and touched my hand where it rested against the table, the barest brush of his fingertips against the back of my hand. “However, we’re here to protect you and watch over you. If something happens like the love spell again, we won’t hesitate to react.”

“I don’t need guard dogs, Darken. I can handle myself.”

“You think you can handle yourself but you don’t know what’s coming.”

“Neither do you. You don’t have that power and neither does Erik.”

“Just be careful, Cass. I’ll see you Friday.”

“What happens Friday?”

“Did you forget? It’s All Soul’s Day. The veil between our plain and the Ghost Plain will be thin. Since you don’t need photos anymore, you’re going to be seeing every single one.”

I paled. “But…”

“The amulet I gave you was supposed to protect you from seeing them. You weren’t able to see any ghosts while you were wearing it—” upon seeing my confusion he corrected himself “—besides Edik. You’ll see them now and they’ll see you. Friday isn’t going to be a walk in the park.”

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