Guest Writer: Bisexuality.

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Thanks so much to our Guest Writer DracoEverdeen who has decided to reach out and share their experience of being bisexual. Here is what they wanted to say:

"I had thought I was bi for years, but it took me so long to actually realize. Immediately, I embraced it. I forced myself to tell my mum and friends and that worked out well, but I couldn't tell the rest of my family because they are homophobic. After a while, I was added to an LGBTQ+ group on Facebook. I read other people's stories and it helped me realize that I was trans as well as bi. I cut my hair really short, in a Phil Lester hair cut and became Ash. My family still doesn't know because I don't have contact with them."

Again, a huge thanks to Ash for wanting to share their story. If you would like to be a Guest Writer for this topic, or indeed any other book we have, don't hesitate to get in touch.

If perhaps you also struggle with homo/trans/queerphobic family or friends and you feel as if you cannot come out or be accepted, remember this is a safe space for you. We are always here to listen and offer advice and be awesome.

Thanks for reading, LTAC!

- thefineideayoucrave

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