He looked deep into my eyes, and just shook his head. Ok, what the hell did I do this time? He bit his lip and shook his head more.

"You know Louis, when you first walked in here, I thought you were the cockiest most self centered asshole ever." He took a pause. Thanks a fucking lot. "But, but then you started coming in more. You started defending her more, talking to me more. And dammit Louis, I sure have gained a hell of a lot of respect for you. And when you say something like you just did, you make me stop and wonder what I was like at 17. Then, then you make idiot moves. I just want you to think more before you act, as much 'parent like' as that sounds."

"I try, ok? I try. I wish I could track back that number and find who it was! But I can't cause I was an idiot. It's all cause my fucking mind is shot." His eyes lit up, and he started clicking his computer mouse.

"Come here." I walked over to the computer, and looked over his shoulder. "What was your phone number?"


"Because, if I enter your phone number in this website, I can find your text messages. Then, I can track it back and try and find out where that person was texting you from, or their number." My eyes went wide as I stared at the screen.

"Holy fucking shit."

Ally's POV:

"Just get this over with." I said to the Rob. He was standing in the room, and he was staring down at me.

"Wouldn't you like me to update you about Louis?" My swollen eyes were barely staying open, and my broken heart was barely beating anymore. I was trying hard not to have a nervous breakdown and kill myself.

The only reason I wasn't was because if Louis ever found out, he would beat himself up for it and cry. I was doing this all for him, although he didn't see any of it.

My body was tired and run down, and my mind could no longer comprehend the difference between what was real and what wasn't. Sleep was no longer something that came easy. It consisted of long hours of crying and thinking.

"No please don't." I said back. My tired back was aching, and my eyes couldn't even look at Rob.

"Please, it would be no problem at all."

"Just stop, ok? I'm tired and run down and if you're just going to use me, you might as well do it now. I'm sick and tired of this shit, and I'm ready to smash something at any given moment because my temper has reached it's peak." He laughed.

"This is so funny." I gave him my best death glare, even though it was hard at my state.

"What is soooo funny, huh?"

"You just get more and more like him with each word that comes out of your mouth." My eyes went wide.

"Like who?" My voice was shaky.

"Like Louis." His emphasis on Louis made my heat burst for what felt like the millionth time today. "Every word that you say lately is more and more like him. You smash things and get mad and rude...like him." My heart was beating fast, and I just stared up at him.

"You know what, I'm very very proud of that." His eyes went wide, and he lost the smirk on his face. "Because Louis is so brave and he isn't afraid to stand up for himself. He will do anything to stand up for someone, and he isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's vulnerable and I respect him." He laughed again. Is that all that this man can do?


"Yes." The anger was already at a high keel before he came in, but it's risen a lot since he brought all this up.

"You think he's brave and vulnerable?"

"Yes." I responded again.

"If he's so brave and vulnerable, why is he in the hospital right now?"

"Shut up." I felt hot and a headache creeped in after his words. He's doing this in purpose.

"Why did he smash his phone against a wall?"


"Why does he cry every single night, and scream?"

"Just shut up, please." I was holding back the tears that I was now starting to feel. I was no longer afraid to let them out, but at this moment, I needed to act strong.

"Why did he punch his hand in the wall over 10 times so hard he punched a pipe and broke his vulnerable hand?" I tried to cover my ears, but I heard every word he said. The smirk was now evident on his face, and he just took in my now crying one.

My puffy red eyes got redder as I cried out more tears. I knew he was trying to get on my nerves. And I told him I didn't want to hear about Louis, but he went ahead and told me anyways.

"I thought you were different than him, but really, you're just morphing into him. And that's not something to be proud of."

I covered my face instead of my ears now.

Stop crying. Please stop crying. Louis is a good person, you know that. Don't listen to him, he's just trying to take advantage of your feelings.

His face got stern and he smirked that evil smirk at me. "Now get on your back! Like you said before, we might as well get this over with now."

Happy happy new year! So I've been trying to find songs that relate to each character and how they're feeling. It's so hard for this book, because of the relationship that they have. But I did find 3 songs for Louis's character.

When A Heart Breaks - Ben Rector

Here Without You - 3 Doors Down

Moments - One Direction

If you have any song suggestions, please comment! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and comment <333

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