chapt. 18 Boyfriend?!

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I left 'our' room with Sebastian at my tail. We went over to ciel and woke him up then we went out to the main hall to the lounge.

We sat on the chair... Well I sat on Sebastian's lap... God can get any worse?!

"Sakura?! What are you doing sitting on that demons lap?!" Byakuya screamed clearly annoyed. "What is your problem?" Sebastian asked wrapping his arm around my waist 'protectively' nuzzling Hus face I to the crook of my neck.

Damn he know how to make it look believable. Yesterday I told Ryan, Raven, William and Grell about my plan. They understood even Grell... I some how convinced him so whatever...

"What is the matter? Saku-chan is my girlfriend so it is normal for her to sit on my lap, we do it often don't we my dear?" He said emperthising 'my'. I nodded as he kissed my cheek. I grinned in return.

On the inside I was screaming to myself that it was wrong! I can't imagine what Sebastian is thinking right now...

Sebastian POV
Tell me why I am doing this again? Oh yeah because I am order to by this f*cking brat that I call master, and that I am to poliet to say no in helping a girl, damn me and my contract... But she is useful though for our search.

'Kaname, now please don't freak out if you see me on Sebastian's lap since I have to pretend that he is my boyfriend so tell all the others please, thank you' I said to kaname telepathically. 'Hmm, fine' he replyed as I grinned.

Later everyone showed up to the living room completely unfazed about mine and Sebastian's position. Takuma just smiled brightly. "Hello Sebastian-San, sakura-chan~" he grinned. I nodded as I felt byakuya glaring hole into Sebastian and me.

When kaname arrived, everyone readyed themselves to walk out to class. I held onto Sebastian's hand and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I smiled and he did to. As soon as the door opened peoples eye landed on me and Sebastian. "Sebby x saku-san for ever!" One of them yelled gleefully.

"Sebbyku! No! SebSaku" they yelled as he smile and I did to. Byakuya was smiling though geinted teeth and pretended to not notice Sebastian and I as he kissed my forehead.

"Wait! Sebastian is sakura's boyfriend?! Unfair!" Some yelled as he pulled me towards him protectively.

I gripped onto his shirt and shyly smiled. Hanabusa went next to me and patted my head. "Saku-san? Come on~ we are going to be late for class, right hanabusa-kun?" Sebastian smiled.

"Right," hanabusa said as he smiled at me. I nodded and held both of their hands and skipped away dragging them.

Ciel just followed and everyone just stared awkwardly. Ciel just smirked slightly and chuckled as I ran.

A/n sorry guys~ I know these stories recently haven't been too long since I have been busy with school work and ect... Please try to bear with me... T^T I will try to upload as soon as I can or whenever I get the chance too T^T.

Thank you for understanding.

Stay safe, and until next time Pie~ Evee-nii out~

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