Chapter 6

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I felt like updating again.

Let's just say that school didn't matter to me at all that day. The only thing on my mind was my best friend in the hospital. Not the best thought all day. People noticed I was kinda out of it, and all I did was shake my head and look away. I'm not about to tell people about this. Try telling people that you froze your best friend all because you decided to be a little risky and riff a little bit. Guess who's never doing that ever again? Me, that was a rhetorical question.

All I did the rest of the day was entertain Scott at the hospital. We watched movies, I gave him another massage, and me blabbering on about school and everyone's lives. I didn't forget to tell him all the stuff going on with The Queen B. He'd kill me if I didn't say anything.

The rest of the week was a drag, and I hated it. I was so excited for Saturday that everyone thought I was going insane. Well, I kinda am, but no one needs to know that. I'm definitely getting some questions asked next week when I'm finally okay enough to say something. Well, if I ever leave Scott's side. I told him I never would, and I'm sticking by that. I actually convinced my parents and Avi to let me sleep over at the hospital on Friday night. All my friends were out partying, while I was trying to entertain Scott. It must be really hard being him. I wish I didn't do this at all. This is what peer pressure does to people. It could get people hurt, or something similar.

Saturday morning, I woke up to the sun shining in through the window. I was in the same position as last night, but Scott was warmer. Maybe because I'm there. Who knows. I checked the time, and it said 10:49. I guess I needed sleep then. I lightly kissed from Scott's jaw, ear to ear, hoping it'd wake him up. I don't know if it worked or not, but I will in less than two hours.

"Morning Scottie. Today's the day. You're hopefully gonna wake up in less than two hours. I mean, you're already awake I think, but you'll be unfrozen. Better word." I paused to think of something to say. It gets really boring when you're the only one talking. "I'm not sure if you heard me and Avi talking, but I'm the only one who's gonna be here when you wake up. Yeah, you'll get to see family and friends afterwards, but they don't know the exact time you'll wake up. I'm not even sure, but I hope I get semi-close to it. It'll be the best thing that has ever happened to me, you waking up. Even though I was able to hug you a week ago, this is still a pretty big deal. I mean, you haven't been able to hold me for several days. I know hats kinda hard on you. Oh, wait, lemme," I draped his arm over my side so he could hold me without moving. "Is that better? I hope so. Anyway, I can't wait until you wake up. I mean, I hope so. There's no real way to know. You probably know. I don't. You're gonna have to tell me so much when you wake up. Huh?" I tried to joke. I yawned. "I think I'm gonna go back to sleep, I'm tired." I nuzzled myself into him, hoping that I'd wake up in time for me to see him waking. Well, I wouldn't see it, but I'd feel it. You know what, I'll just tell you what I was thinking of doing. I was gonna kiss him on the mouth by the way at around 12:38, then when he wakes, he'll kiss me back. Cute, right? Sleep is calling my name, so I'll answer.

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