Alexander x Reader - Who Are You? (2)

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Alexander decided he would sit on the bench outside of the bar; he had nothing better to do. He continued to stare at nothing, thinking about how much work he need to get done... Work! Yes, finally, something Alexander could keep his mind on. He just came here, but he had work to do!

Just as Hamilton had such lovely thoughts (not to be taken sarcastically), the 4 people walked out of the bar he had met earlier. Their names were Y/N, Mulligan, Lafayette, and John Laurens. Y/N started talking about something when she noticed Alex on the bench.

"Well, if it isn't Hamilton? Fancy meeting you here, sir." She said, giving a warm gesture to Alexander. She seemed on and off when it came to being classy...Alexander could clearly, already establish that.

"Hey again." Alexander said. "What exactly brought you here, on such a beautiful night, with these fine gentlemen?"

"Well, we always like to go out to converse casually. Typical."

"I see. Well, I should be going, as I..." Alex started. That was, until he realized...
He didn't have anywhere to stay.

Soz rly friggin short

Hamilton x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now