The Icy Numbness

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Nova's P.O.V


Brendan stepped closer to me.

"How'd you like the Obscurités? Feel like home?" he asked.

He was close enough that I was able to kick him in the shin, hard.

"Ow!" he screeched holding his leg.

"Brendan, we really don't have time for this. Most likely the kid ran to get help from Will, Avery, or Josh, maybe even all three, and Noah might have gotten to him in time, but we don't know if he did or not," the petite girl said crossing her arms.

"Let them come, we can handle all three of them," one of the guys barked from behind me.

"Don't worry so much, Angie," Brendan replied.

"She's right, Brendan," said a guy to my left. "It's been a few minutes since Noah went after the kid."

"I say we get rid of her now," the guy to my right piped up. "Why wait?"

"Shut up, Drew," Brendan said.

"He just wants to rub it in Carter's face," the guy to the left of me said.

"No one asked you, did they?" he yelled back.

"Brendan, I know you have a huge ego or whatever, but did you ever stop and think that together the three of them could defeat us?" Angie asked.

"No I didn't, because they can't defeat us," he replied stubbornly.

"Well it's me, Drew, and Andy against you and Blake, so we win," she said.

"Fine, whatever lets just go ahead and do it," he gave in.

Drew grabbed me roughly by the arm and led me over to the window. Blake was about to open it when Will and Jase appeared in the doorway, each with a sword in hand.

"Let her go!" Will shouted.

"You know William, I find it very amusing you think you can just waltz in here and order us around," Brendan said.

Will's eyes danced darkly.

"What did you do with Noah?" Angie asked.

"That's confidential information, unless you let Nova go," he bargained.

"I don't think so," she replied.

"We can do this the hard way," Will said.

"You should take note of how there are more of us than there are of you," Brendan said. "I thought you would have enough common sense to bring backup with you, but I suppose love makes you rash."

Will looked taken aback, as I'm sure I did as well.

"I suppose you wouldn't know unless you found love," he replied regaining himself.

He slid a small knife out of his pocket with his free hand and threw it at Angie. Even as an Étoile, Brendan was fast. He swiftly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him. The knife anchored itself into the wall.

Will cocked his head. "Or maybe you have found it."

Brendan's eyes grew angry.

"Get rid of her," he said to Drew.

Blake opened the window. I looked down, but all I could see in the moonlight was the blank emptiness of the water below. There was no way I could survive a fall like that. I focused on my element, struggling to summon a flame or something, but not even a spark occurred. Drew shoved me towards the window. Will stepped towards me, sword in hand, but Brendan stepped in front of him.

"Not so fast, William. We have some business to settle," he said drawing his own sword.

Andy drew his sword to assist him, but Brendan held out a hand.

"He's mine," he snarled.

I locked eyes with Will right as Brendan lunged at him. I felt hands shoving me out the window. Someone screamed my name and suddenly I was tumbling down the roof. I tried to reach out to grip onto something, but I couldn't with the handcuffs. I tumbled off the roof and I was free-falling. Fear came over me as I fell. I hit the water and the icy water overcame me before I lost consciousness.


Will's P.O.V


Brendan lunged at me. I parried a blow right as Drew shoved Nova out of the window.

"Nova!" I heard myself scream.

I tried to sidestep Brendan to go after her but he was bigger and faster than I was. I put a hand out to him and the wind obeyed. He was thrown against the wall and landed with a sickening thump. Angie cried out and ran to him. Andy lunged at me with his sword drawn. Blake tried to come up behind me but Jase was able to keep him distracted to buy me some time. He was little but he wasn't bad with a sword.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brendan starting to get up. I easily disarmed Andy, his sword clattering across the room. I pressed my sword against his throat and slowly moved towards the window. All eyes were on me. I nodded slightly at Jase. Thankfully he got the hint and started slowly backing out of the room as I neared the window.

"Back up or I'll slit his throat right now," I said to Drew who was still standing by the window.

He slowly held up his hands as an offering of peace and backed away. Brendan was standing up now but he was leaning heavily on Angie. Jase had made it into the hall. I stepped out of the window so I was standing on the roof but I still had the sword against Andy's throat. I glanced down only slightly. We were really high up. If I wanted to jump without breaking every bone in my body I would have to be as straight as a board going into the water. With Nova having the strength of an Obscurité, I could only hope she was okay.

Jase was now out of sight. I shoved Andy into the room and dropped the sword. I held my hand out to the window and it slammed closed. As quickly as I could I skidded down to the bottom of the roof. Andy and Drew were struggling to open the window to get to me. I took a deep breath and jumped.

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