Chapter 4

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This was torture. He connected some system to my head. It hurts so much. I feel like my brain is being torn apart and I'm just so tired.

"Since you're here. I guess I will tell you the whole story. First of all it started when I was about 30. I was a playboy and went from girl to girl every night. However, what I didnt know was that, one of them would get pregnant. She thought I needed to take care of you and all that stupid stuff. I had other plans. I let your mother have you and later on after the birth I killed her. It was very easy, seeing how tired from the process she was." He told me.

"You killed her? Why?" I croaked.

"She was of no use to me." He said.

"You're sick." I mumbled.

"Haha! So anyways, when I saw you I realized you had the same jeans as me. Except for the fact that your powers were beyond comprehension. They came from your brain. I knew you wouldn't be able to live a normal life even if you wanted to. That made me very happy. As a child I had experimented on you. Tested you in every possible way. The outcomes were extraordinary. It was all great until my lousy sister decided to put an end to it. She took you away from me and made sure I could never touch you. She protected you with her very life." He explained.

"I-I don't remember you t-though..." I said.

"You can thank your adopted mother for that. She erased all your memories because she wanted you to have a happy life." He spoke disgusted.

"Why do you want so much power." I whispered.

"I must surpass him. I must surpass the devil." He said angered by my question, to say the least.

He walked up to a panel of button and pressed one on the right. I started to feel vibrations on my head, until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I fell into the darkness.

I started to see a bright light, so I ran towards it. What is this? I saw a red door and walked through it. I noticed I was at my house. I heard shouting so I went to where the noise was coming from and saw my parents office. I walked in and saw them both.

"What do you mean he took her?" Dad screamed.

"After our argument he kidnapped her and took her away from us!" Mom told him.

"I thought you said that everything was under control. You said she was safe!" Dad yelled at her.

"I don't know! I'm really not sure how he broke through or what broke it. All I know is that it had to be very powerful." She told him quietly. The sadness was evident in her voice as tear started to flow.

Dad hugged her to comfort her. " Hey, I'm sorry. I was just angry, look we will get through this. I promise you we will find her." He was rubbing her back.

"Wait for us Avery."

Oh my God, they do care. Man, I feel like such a jerk. They were only trying to protect me from him. I always screw everything up. What is wrong with me.

Yes, I've decided. I need to escape, no matter what it takes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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