All Because of a Shirt

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"Well since we're here I guess I have to get a shirt" Lexi says voice thick with sarcasm. "Yes love you do it's either that or walk around in your bra" I say laughing. Lexi turns to me flashing a smile much like the Cheshire Cat "Well I'm sure you'd love that but, I wouldn't want to tempt you too much so I'll find a shirt" she flashes me a naughty smile and walks toward the rack of blouses looking for one like the one I ruined.

As she does that I roam the store stoping when a gorgeous chunky black and silver statement necklace catches my eye. I smile already seeing the perfect outfit forming in my head I grab it and go look for a pair of black combat boots. I find a pair and see Lexi headed towards the counter, I meet her throwing the shoes and necklace on the blouse then grabbing a skull ring by the cash register. "What's all this I thought you said a shirt" "I know but I couldn't resist you'll thank me for it later love".

We walk out the store together smiling. Lexi turns to me "Hey do you want to go to the food court" "Yeah sure".Lexi and I walk together toward the food court. "Hey let's get pizza" I say to Lexi. We get in line and wait to order. As we get stand in line a group of guys get in line after us and proceed to hit on Lexi "Hey beautiful can I get your number". Lexi simply laughs and ignores him yet he continues with pick up lines she laughs and begins to talks to him.

I start to get angry and annoyed, am I jealous, no why would I be jealous I mean am I? I just met her though. As I think this through am my head I realize I am, I notice that we're now in the front of the line. I turn and grab Lexi's hand "Babe it's our turn to order".

The guy that had just been hitting on Lexi has a priceless look on his face. Lexi's face is cherry red I can't help but admire how adorable she looks in this moment. I stare at her for just a second longer thinking that if things continue to go right this beautiful girl could be mine and all because of spilling a smoothie on her shirt.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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