Meeting Lexi

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I'll never forget the first time I saw Lexi she was beautiful. Lexi reminded me of a goddess I couldn't help but think of all kinds of corny comparsions to describe her but none of them fit. Lexi was a full six inches taller than my 5'3 frame when I looked at her from a distance I was scared. I felt like an ant near her but the second I looked at her face my fear disapeared. How do I describe her other than beautiful, a waterfall of blonde hair cascading down her back, two clear blue oceans for eyes that I could drown in, skin like a porcelain doll, her height only added to her beauty she truly was a work of art. I was so enthralled by her beauty that I ran right into her, like an idiot. But wait it gets better not only did I run into her I managed to spill some of the red smoothie, she happened to be drinking on her. (A+ for my charisma I know 😣) As soon as the smoothie stained spread her lacy black bra underneath started to appear from the white blouse she had on. I couldn't help but to admire her taste for a second before reacting. I looked up at her absolutely terrified "I'm so..." I started but Lexi didn't allow me to finish " Hey relax it's ok." "No really I'm so sorry I'll pay for the shirt and the smoothie I promise." As I freaked out over her she smiled continuing to reassure me....I think. I'm not sure I was busy staring her lips; I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like kissing her. I noticed her smile grow large I took this to mean she had noticed my staring. I tuned back into what she was saying "There's no need for you to pay for the shirt or smoothie but if it will make you feel better you can go shopping with me." She absolutely beamed from ear to ear while she asked happiness coming of her like heat from the sun's rays....god how could I say no to her while she looked so happy at the mere idea. "I would be more than happy to go shopping with you........" I waiting seeing as how I didn't know her name at this point. "Alexandra.....but my friends and you can call me Lexi." She filled in for me. "Jessica" I said extending my hand towards her to shake. She immediately ignored my hand and wrapped me into a tight hug, my hand remaining awkwardly between us. As we hugged she whispered in my ear with a playful voice "Don't worry I get the feeling we'll know each other very well by the end of the day." I smiled as I hugged her hoping she was right about her prediction. My smile grew to contain a certain naughtiness about it thinking of how she said those words. You couldn't miss the sly sexual innuendo she had slipped into it, the thought excited me and scared the hell out of me at the same time.

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