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"Maya please tell me what's up. You went crazy at Topanga's yesterday." Riley asks me while we were running around the mall looking for sales.

"Ugh Riley, honey, I told you it was nothing. I just was tired and thought I saw something, or someone... just forget it." I tried to play it off. She definitely didn't believe me a bit. But we eventually decided to talk about it later.

We ended up in Victoria Secret, my favorite store. Well used to be favorite. I'm not a big fan of my body right now. I trudge around following Riley like a puppy. She picks some really girly modest bras.

I see a red, blood red, lace bra in the corner of the store and go to grab it. I turn to show Riley then realize that I could never pull it off. I have 2 major scars from him right under my breasts. I sigh and Riley notices my reaction.

"What? You love it! Try it on!" She says trying to cheer me up. I put on a fake smile and do as she's told.


"I cannot believe you didn't buy anything from VS! That bra was adorbs. I don't know why you didn't buy it! You should have bought it. Was it because you didn't have enough money? I could have paid! Please tell it wasn't because you couldn't afford it! I swear if-"

"Shut up!" I yell. Her smile drops and her eyes start to water. Oh god, here she goes. I look around and see everyone watching us. I spot some kids from our school gaping. They probably cannot believe that Riley and Maya, the best of the best friends, fight.

I turn and see Lucas and Farkle with pretzels in their hands. Farkle looks sad and Lucas mad? Of course, he's mad at me because I hurt poor Riley's feelings.

Ugh I should even be mad at Riley, she's perfect and I'm not. I'm the reason everything goes wrong. Fuck it. I drop my bags, except my backpack, and storm off.

I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't stop to see who they belonged too. Eventually I made it to Josh's dorm. I don't know why I was there. I skipped his room and went to Brandon's dorm. He is Josh's dealer and I needed something to keep me sane.

I pounded on his door and he opened it looking high as fuck. I laughed and walked in beside him.

"Give me something, something strong! Here," I dug into my backpack for a $50 bill, "this is more than enough." I crumpled the bill up and threw it towards him. He smiled at the amount and grabbed a small bag from the wooden box on his table.

"Weed? Really? That's so mild wtf." I said. He rolled his eyes and pointed to the label. Shit, it was so concentrated.

"Oh, shit, my bad, sorry. Don't tell Josh I was here." I rambled. He laughed and nodded quickly. I walked out of his room and found myself in another. I had know idea who it belonged to but it looked killer. Looks like a small party, better to get high at a party than alone.

I planted myself in the corner of the room and found a small, glass bong on the floor. I wonder if it's clean? I shrugged it off and took the lighter from my backpack.


My vision started to blur and I could only make out groups of half naked girls dancing in the dark room. I giggled at the sight. I stood up to dance with them too. I stripped to a tank top and underwear. The girls laughed and grabbed me a drink.

"God you're fucking gorgeous" the brunette of the group slurred. I laughed and leaned into her. We were making out, sloppily, and the guys in the room started cheering. I laughed into the kiss and broke free of her sweaty grip. She laughed and moved onto another girl who was eyeing her.

"What the fuck?!" I heard a voice yell over the music. I looked over and giggled.

"Hey it's cowboy, hey girls this is Lucas, he's my Huckleberry boing." I laughed and went to kiss him. He jerked back and I frowned.

"Hey that's not fair! You don't like me? Yeah I get it, only college guys like me, only they kiss me, touch me, fuck me." I angrily whispered in his ear. He froze. What's he so mad about?


"...fuck me." I froze. Does she mean? Oh no. I look around and notice the all the drunk guys' eyes on Maya. My Maya. I looked back to grab Maya and leave but I noticed her state. Her hair was messy, her makeup smudged from crying? Her lipstick was stolen from the brunette with her tongue down a guy's throat. She was half naked. Her body was so beautiful, so small... and bruised.

What the fuck. Who did this to her? Almost her entire body was covered. Some bruises were faded. It's been a couple weeks since whatever happened happened. She had cuts on her wrists and thighs, a huge wound, oh my god. It's a stab wound.

Her eyes were bloodshot. She's on drugs. Why Maya? She followed my eyes and she looked up quickly, shocked. She tried to cover up but with her arms over her chest I could see even more scars.

"Maya, who the fuck did this." I yelled, slowly. She just shrugged and laughed.

"No one. Chill Cowboy, just relax. Let's make out." She slurred. I sighed and reached behind her to snatch her things. Careful to leave her drugs on the seat. I grabbed her in my arms and stared to drag her out.

"Get the fuck off me!" She screamed. 2 large drunk guys stood up and walked towards us.

"Hey pretty lady, is this guy giving you trouble?" The dark skinned male on the left asked. I saw Maya nod with a fake look of worry. I got to hand it to her, even high, she's an amazing lier.

"Oh well he's gone." He growled and the smaller male approached. He moved to throw a fist and I grabbed his hand, twisted it, and he fell to the ground with a thud. Cheers started sounding and girls were calling me vulgar names.

The tough one moved in my vision and I pushed Maya behind me and punched his nose. There was a sickening crack and he stumbled back. I look down and saw blood on my knuckles. Crap.

"Now that was hot." Maya breathes behind me. I turned towards her as she fell into my arms. She was passed out. We had to leave, now.

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