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I woke up the next morning feeling so relaxed and happy because I realized that the weekend had started, so I didn't have any classes to go to. Don't get me wrong, I'm a good, straight A student, but I just got tired of all the work we were expected to do.

Anyways, it was just past noon so I decided to get dressed. I did my usual personal hygiene stuff, then got dressed.

After getting dressed, I decided to go out to iHop for breakfast

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After getting dressed, I decided to go out to iHop for breakfast. When I got there and was seated, a really good-looking waiter came over to my table and asked me what I'd like to drink. He bent down, and came really close to my face to ask me, but I wasn't fazed one bit because I recognized him from high school; he was the school player. He seemed to notice me not caring so he quickly got my order, then left. When my food came, I started eating happily until I felt like someone was looking at me. I looked around, trying to spot player-boy, however, I couldn't find him so I just shrugged it off. A few minutes later, I felt it again only this time it made me super uncomfortable. I very discreetly pretended like I was cracking my back and then I saw him.

 I very discreetly pretended like I was cracking my back and then I saw him

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'Oh man, oh man, oh man. Why??? ' I thought. It was the beautiful creature from yesterday. He was staring right into my soul and I thought I was going to melt under his gaze all over again. Then, all of a sudden, he got up and came over to my table. I was shook.

He sat down and then continued to stare at me. "Ahem..." I croaked. "Yes, sugar?" He asked, never lifting his eyes off me. "Um... what are you doing?" I asked him. "Admiring the view" he responded. I was so freaking shook. I hid my face to hide my blushed face from his gaze. He then reached over and took my hands off my face, and them smirked. Holy crap, that smirked ended me.

Right then, this waiter came over to pick up my empty plate. Before he left, he slipped a small piece of paper in front of blue-eyes (what? I didn't know his name). Blue-eyes looked over at me, then at the now-giggling waiter, then back at me. Once the waiter left, I couldn't contain myself. I bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked, looking slightly pissed. "He...*laughs* h-he...*laughs* he thought you were gay!" I laugh. "What? That's ridiculous. He knows I'm not gay." He exclaimed. "Oh really? How does he know that?" I smirk. "Because he can clearly see that I'm with you, sugar." He smirked back. 'What... with me? We weren't dating! I mean, I wouldn't mind that but-' "Listen sugar, you're mine now. Whatever you do, you do with me. You are mine." He said. What? Is he joking? I don't even know the guy and here he is claiming that I'm his! This is crazy! He must have been joking. But he did sound pretty serious when he said that. 

"Excuse me, I don't know who you think you are but I am NOT yours. I belong to no one. Plus, I don't even know who you are, let alone your name for crying out loud!" I screamed. I then realized that everyone in the restaurant was staring at me, so I got up, left some cash on the table, then left.

On my way home, I received a call from my boss. I worked at a cute little boutique called 'Rosa Belle', a vintage store that sold beautiful dresses and matching accessories, all hand-made. My boss, Caroline (the owner of the boutique), asked me if I could come into work today because her daughter couldn't. I immediately said yes because I had nothing better to do with my day. Thankfully, I was only five minutes away from the boutique so I got there and quickly put on my uniform. It was a cute, little black dress that was snug around the waist with a little poof on the bottom for a little girly touch.

After getting changed, I went out to the front and was immediately greeted by Caroline putting a new set of earring on the earring-stand. "Hey girly, I'm so sorry for calling you last-minute but Leigh-Anne has a test to study for so she couldn't make it." Caroline exclaimed. "It's OK, don't worry. I'm happy to come in at anytime." I said. That seemed to relieve her because she just sighed and smiled at me. I guess things were really busy this week.

I went to the computer to log myself in, then went to the cash register and waited to greet customers. After about ten minutes of waiting, a small group of teenage girls walked in and said hi to me. I helped them pick out a few dresses because apparently they all had dates coming up and didn't have anything to wear. They each settled with the exact same dress, only in different colors (talk about originality). After they payed, I realized we were closing so I started to pack up any last minute things until the bell-chimed signaling that someone had just walked in. 

I turned around and was met with the same piercing blue eyes that haunted me since the day before. We kind of just stood there staring at each other until he started slowly walking towards me. As he was walking towards me, I started walking backwards until my back hit the counter. When he reached me, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, then said, "Hey sugar, you look beautiful." I immediately blushed like a mad woman, but then realized that he was here, at my job. 'Why is he here? How did he find out about where I work?', I thought frantically. 

"What exactly are you doing here?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "I'm here to pick you up." He replied. "Um... you don't have to do that. I have a car, I can get home on my own." I said. Then, he bent down and whispered in my ear, "Who said anything about going home?" I was so surprised that I looked up at his smirking face, then back down and took a deep breath. Before I could comprehend anything else, he grabbed my hand and led me to the back room where employees kept their belongings. He let me grab my purse and clothes, then dragged my outside. Outside, I was shocked to see what his car looked like in case he kidnapped me, and I was shocked to say the least.

This man owned a shiny, black Ferrari F60 America (yes I know about cars, thank you dad). This car is so expensive, I had to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. I mean, yes, my family is wealthy but we would never spend so much money on a car.

He just smirked and like the gentleman I never pegged him to be, opened the passenger door for me. I was about to get in (don't ask me why), but then stopped myself. "Wait," I said, "I don't even know you're name. I'm not getting into a car when I don't even know the owners name." He laughed, then said, "My name is Giovanni De Luca, but you can call me Gio, Sugar." When I took in his name, my whole body felt all stable as a piece of spaghetti standing up.

I got in the car and let Gio take me wherever we were going. 'Oh, mom and dad are going to be so pissed if they find out about this', I thought. "What are you thinking about, Sugar?" he asked. "OK, first of all, my name is not 'Sugar', its Amelia. Second of all, I'm thinking about a lot of things. One being how on earth you found out where I work, second being the fact that I feel like you're stalking me. Three-" I almost screamed, until he cut me off. "One: I will call you what I want to call you and two: I asked around, I'm not stalking you." He chuckled. 'THAT JERK!' I thought. I was appalled, how dare he say that to me. So I just looked out the window, completely ignoring him. Just then, I felt his hand slide onto my thigh, then make its way inwards-, "Stop!" I yelled, swatting his hand away. He just moved it back up, onto my thigh, not fazed at all.

Once it started to feel like we've been driving for hours, even though it had only been 20 minutes, he parked his car on the side of a road that led into the forest. It wasn't that dark so I wasn't completely worried about what he was going to do with me out there. Once we got out, he grabbed my hand and led me off into the forest. Once we stopped walking, I put my hand up to my mouth and almost screamed once I saw what was right in front of my eyes.


Hey guys, I am SO SORRY about the overdue update but I got really busy so I couldn't update. I hope you guys like this chapter and do we have any thoughts about Gio so far???

Don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE please, I would really appreciate it! 

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