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"Amelia! Get down here right this instant!" my mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming, coming!", I replied, a little annoyed at the shouting. As I headed downstairs, I came face to face with someone I never thought that I would see at this time of year, "Daddy! You're home!" You see, my father is a veterinarian for the K-9 units in the Canadian Armed Forces, so he is usually deployed for months at a time. But this year, my dad was here and let me tell you that I was the happiest girl on the planet because of him.

"Mia! My sweet little angel, how are you?" My dad asked. "I'm fantastic now that you're here, how are you?", I responded. "I'm doing just fine, sweetie. I'm glad to be back home to the two most beautiful and important women in my life", said my dad. "Aw, Andrew! You're too sweet." My mom cooed. My dad smirked, then started making his way towards my mom in a flirty manner, which I know was my cue to leave so I instantly bolted back upstairs to my room.

In my room, I texted my best friend Jayce (or Jay as I like to call him) about my dad being home. Jayce and I have been friends for ten years, so I met him when I was six. When I told him the great news, he went completely ecstatic:






Jay: Okay Mia, love you <3

Me: Love you more Jay <3

After that conversation with Jay, I went to get ready for university. Its my third year in uni and I am majoring in Health Sciences, as I want to become an anesthesiologist in the future. So, I headed towards my walk-in closet to choose an outfit for the day. I decided to settle for a cute-yet classy outfit for the day.

After that I put on a bit of mascara, just to enhance my brown eyes and tied my long and thick brown hair into a high ponytail (I did brush my teeth and wash my face, don't worry)

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After that I put on a bit of mascara, just to enhance my brown eyes and tied my long and thick brown hair into a high ponytail (I did brush my teeth and wash my face, don't worry). After getting ready, I decided to head out for lunch with my parents seeing as my only class of the day was later on in the afternoon and it was just past noon. So, I headed downstairs, back to where my parents were and asked them if they would care to join me for lunch.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't today. Your mother and I have to run a few errands today before she has to go back to work", my dad said. "Oh, OK then. I guess I'll go for a walk outside", I chimed, trying to hide my disappointment. I headed to my driveway outside, and got in my brand new matte-black Range Rover that I got as a birthday present from my parents. You see, my family is quite wealthy; my father is a vet in the Canadian Armed Forces and my mom is a dermatologist. Of course, we aren't the bragging type of rich people that people seem to think every wealthy person is, we're pretty modest when it comes to our money. I just got this car for my birthday because my marks were pretty high so as a reward for them, I received my dream car.

I drove around for about ten minutes, then parked my car at our local park. Then, I just went for a walk, grabbed a coffee and went window-shopping. As I was walking back to the park, I noticed a group of guys huddling around a car, taking pictures on it and what-not. I walked past them, then turned around because I realized that that car was my car! So, I took a deep breath and walked over to the boys, and when they all noticed me, I kid you not I was about to melt in my boots.

They were all so incredibly gorgeous that words could not comprehend how I was feeling at that point. I decided that I have to be brave and let them know that I am not one of those girls that just fall head-over-heels for a guy I just met, so I walked up to them with confidence and said, "Excuse me, but this is my car. I don't mind if you take pictures on it but I really need to go right now, so if you'll all excuse me." Just as I said that, they all started to laugh and I was left dumbfounded because I had absolutely no idea what was so funny.

Then, out of the blue, this guy with the most piercing blue eyes comes up to me and whispers in my ear, "Don't worry sugar, we'll be out of your hair." I'm pretty sure I looked like a complete fool with my mouth hanging open, as they walked away. As I brought myself together, the same guy turned around, winked at me then walked away again with his friends. I was still confused as to what had happened but I realized that I had a class that started in 15 minutes, so I had to rush to my campus.

I arrived at my campus right on time, and headed towards my Organic Chemistry class. After class, I messaged Jay asking him if he wanted to come over and he said yes. When I got home, I went to the living room to wait for Jay to arrive. After about ten minutes, he came.

"Hey, Mia! Guess who I just scored a date with tonight? I'll give you one guess, she's SMOKING hot!" Jay asked. I shook my head, disapprovingly but couldn't stop myself from smiling at my best friend's immaturity. So I guessed, "Um... that one girl you work with? The girl from the ice cream parlor? Your professor?" I giggled at the last guess.

"What? No! I'm taking the new girl out tonight." He smirked. "Um... good for you?" I asked hesitantly, not knowing what to say. Don't get me wrong, I love Jay and I'm really happy for him, but I've heard bad things about this new girl and I don't want her hurting or ruining Jay. But of course, my opinion doesn't matter in his love life so I tried my best to just smile and wish him good luck.

For the rest of the evening, we just binge-watched movies and ordered Italian food because we both love Italian food. After Jay left, I quickly got ready for bed and fell into a deep slumber.

Hey everyone! This is the first chapter of my book, I hoped you all liked it! Don't forget to COMMENT AND VOTE please, I love you all!

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