Chapter Four;

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My last class that day was Maths. I was in the higher class with about fifteen others. We were supposed to be the smartest in our year. The most elite. That was true for some of us but a lot of us were there because we were too lazy to make the arrangements to go to the other, lower classes.

I sat in the middle against the wall. It meant I had something to lean on other than the chair itself. In the winter they turned the heaters on, I abused it to keep my bare legs warm. Our uniforms sucked. The worst part was probably that the girls had to wear skirts.

Roman sat in the seat in front of me. He was the kind to take notes and pay very little attention to what the teacher was actually trying to say. I usually focused on the teacher but lacked the taking notes part. Today we were going over statistics. It was easy in a way that you thought you knew what you were doing but then BAM you didn't have a clue when you really needed to.

Needless to say, the minutes left dragged on for hours. I found myself doodling symmetrical flowers on the back page of my copybook. I'd began shading them in when the bell made me jump out of my skin. I sighed and started packing my books into my bag when a shadow came over me. I looked up and Roman was there, handsome as ever but he looked a little younger in the uniform.

Our teacher had already left the room, probably anxious to get out, go home and light up his third cigarette of the day. We were the only people left, bar the kids rushing out the door. I raised my eyebrow at him questioningly after I'd stood and swung my bag on my shoulder.

"Remember that favour you owe me?" He didn't say it menacingly, in fact he looked a little shy. Colour was even slowly rising in his cheeks. My hands started sweating at his words though. I had a bad feeling.

"Listen, Roman. I barely know you. You were very nice to help me out and everything and for giving me a lift home too but..." I let my voice trail off and shrugged my shoulders.

"I know. I wouldn't ask if I didn't need your help. I really don't know anybody here. Besides I think you might like this a little." I stood there in silence as I waited for him to continue.

"Right well, it's my parents' thirtieth wedding anniversary this year and I saved up for like two years to get them this trip to Italy because that's where they eloped when they were twenty. They went there on a Holiday and just kind of decided to get married on the spot and they do tell a lovely story with it too." He took in a gulp of breath and continued quickly." Anyway, I haven't told them yet and they'll be gone for the guts of four days. But see the thing is, I have to mind my sister who's a year old. I had organised for a mate of mine to come down but he cancelled on me yesterday and now I'm stuck." He cringed a little, looking very afraid of my response.

"Can't your sister help you out?" I rationalised. I was a bit taken aback honestly, it was kind of a big thing to be with a person for four days straight. He shook his head in response.

"She's never home. It's booked for our three day weekend so you wouldn't have to miss any school." He looked at me with a desperate expression. He came closer to me, his hand on my elbow, his breath reached my nose. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, Ren. I really could use your help." I ran everything quickly through my head. I needed a little time. I had two weeks. I could make up my mind in two weeks

"Look," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen, "here's my number. Text me, call me, whatever you want. I don't want you to feel like you'd be housing with a stranger." He handed me the strip of paper and scratched the back of his head. It seemed like he felt awkward about what he had asked. I felt a little empathetic for him, I took his number and folded up to put it into my shirt pocket. He looked relieved.

"I'll think about it," I declared and nodded at him awkwardly before moving around him, out the door.

I was pushing books and copies into my school bag when a folded scrap of paper caught my attention. I unfolded it and my heart sank a little when I saw what it said.

You're making a mistake. Stay away from Roman Edwards

I felt chills run down my spine but I ignored them. I crumpled up the note and shoved it back into the corner of my locker, out of sight out of mind. I wasn't in the mood for these sick games that the girls in my school played. Honestly, gossip around our school spread like wild fire, regardless of its origins. Couldn't a girl and a boy go into the same room together without it being seen as some kind of sexual act?

I grimaced as I thought about Roman's phone number burning a hole in my breast pocket. No doubt somebody had seen us stay in that classroom alone too. I was angry at drunk me for allowing Roman to kiss me all those weeks ago.

While the steam was pouring out of my ears, I felt an arm link around mine. I jerked away aggressively and tried to stalk away. Too mad. My hands shook and I balled them up at my sides, my rough fingernails denting my palms. Bloody, stupid, idiotic, jealous girls. I could almost hear them whispering and making assumptions about me and Roman. Talking about me as if I was the latest celeb to cheap on their short time partner. They had no right over Roman. Not that I had any right.

Almost at my car I feel a hand on my shoulder, yanking me. Getting me to turn around. My vision flashes and I don't have control over myself. My tense fist flies out behind me but I miss and I hit the air. The fail is enough to knock me back to reality where Jason stands in front of me. His back is arched, as if he's ready to compete in a limbo finale.

I realise then that I must've almost got him. It must've been his hand on my shoulder and his arm linking up with mine on my way out of the school doors. I walked up to him and started to apologize immediately. I took his face in my hands. He was very tall, a head taller than me at least.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, like I really didn't. I didn't know it was you. I'd never hurt you. Oh balls. Sorry."

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, "You're cute when you rant, little Ren Bird. Don't fret. You didn't touch me." When he released me, I glanced around the parking lot. I was thankful that everybody had mostly cleared out already. Nobody had really seen me almost hit my best friend.

Jason walked me the rest of the way to my car, then he opened up the passenger door and gestured for me to get in. I obeyed without objection. He was a good driver, I trusted him. What surprised me though, was that he drove straight passed my house and continued on until we reached Maddison's.

"We're celebrating my return to the country!" he announced dramatically once I'd asked him what his devious plans were. I rolled my eyes in answer and pulled out my phone to text my mother that I wouldn't be coming home. I smiled when she told me that Jason's father had already called earlier to ask for permission.

"Now, that's a nice sight to see." Jase stated, commenting on the smirk on my face. He winked at me and stepped out of the car. I sighed and started to mentally prepare myself for the night my friends had planned.

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