SH - That Was Barely A Kiss!

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Word count: 432

"Sherlock, would you like some tea?" you asked. No response. You silently stood up and walked over to him. He was very absorbed in reading an article in the newspaper. You shrugged to yourself and went into the kitchen to make some tea.

"What about you, John?"

He turned around in his chair. "Oh yes, thank you (Y/N)."

You nodded. Then came a sudden and very loud groan from Sherlock. "No cases!" he shouted. "Absolutely nothing all week!" You turned around to see him pacing. When the tea was done, you gave a cup to John, then approached Sherlock. He stopped long enough for you to put the cup in his hand and run your fingers through his hair before returning to the kitchen. Sherlock looked surprised by his own sudden change in emotion. No, Sherlock didn't feel emotion. Or so he told himself.

He followed you into the kitchen just to watch you. You jumped when you turned around, faces only a foot apart. Then you smiled, and that caused Sherlock's stomach to swirl. A small smile presented itself on his lips, something you didn't see very often, and this close. You wrapped your arms around his torso, snuggling into him with a big, dopey smile on your face for no reason. One arm rested on your back.

"I love you," you said to him. He never said it back. He didn't really believe in love. But you saw in his actions every day that he cared for you deeply.

"I love you too."

You almost gasped at the comment. You looked up at him. He was caught off guard by his own comment. But then he smiled down at you. "I do love you too," he repeated.

You were at a loss for words. Sherlock? Showing a glimpse of affection? You could get used to this. You decided to test the waters by giving him a kiss on his cheek, having to stand on the tip of your toes.

Sherlock pouted, which was so cute you thought you were going to implode. "Oh come on," he said before puckering his lips. You giggled and gave him a peck, causing him to complain more. "That was barely a kiss! Do it again, please?"

You giggled again. "Did I just hear the Sherlock Holmes say please?" you teased. He narrowed his eyes at you. "Okay, okay."

You grabbed his collar and pulled him down closer to you, pressing your lips onto his. They moved in sync for a few seconds before you reluctantly pulled away, hugging him again.

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