Fix You (Punk Luke Hemmings FanFiction)

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The blood was scattered in the middle of the road and screaming flooded the area like an ocean. Car parts scattered the road and two cars lay broken. Nobody could help the people inside. They were gone.


I woke up screaming. Sweat beaded my forehead and the nightmare still fogged up my mind. I silently thanked the world it wasn't a school day and turned over to look at the time.

8:34 AM

 Ugh. Too early still, but I couldn't go to sleep after another nightmare. I've been having them since my parents died in a car crash when I was 13. I've been living with my abusive uncle ever since. He doesn't pay any attention to me unless he's hitting me, but he probably wasn't home from the bar yet.

 Soon I got out of bed and took in my appearance. My hair stuck to my sweat covered face and my eyes had added bags to the bottom. I need a shower. As I gathered all my things I overheard my uncle stumbling through the door from the bar, and I ran into the bathroom so I wouldn't have to face him.

 The hot water of the shower soothed my skin and my tensed muscled soon relaxed. I washed my body and shampooed my hair, then got dried off and scurried back to my room. As soon as the door was locked I studied myself in the mirror. I was 5'1 and short for my age. My brown hair fell in waves down to the middle of my back and my big brown eyes held fear and sadness in them. My curvy body wasn't very skinny and my tanned skin never dulled.

A pounding at the door ripped me from my thoughts. "Emilee get out here!"...... "Emilee, I swear to God if you don't come out here that little delicate face isn't going to look like that anymore!" My uncle screamed.

I opened the door and was pulled out to face the man I hated most in the world. He smelled like whiskey. His fist made contact with my face and I hit the floor hard. His foot made contact with my ribs and I tried desperately to reach the phone in my pocket, but I was too late. He was already on top of me. I kicked and thrashed but he didn't seem to notice as he was punching me in the face as many times as he could. When he finally got tired I took the opportunity to push him off of my and run as fast as I could out of the house and to the only place I considered home.

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