"Well see, I punched a wall. I also broke things too, like a lamp, and my phone. And I punched the wall so hard it hit a pipe. So that's always a wonderful way to spend your Friday night."

"Why'd you punch the wall and throw things?"

"I got a text message. And you're definitely not getting that out of me; because sure I may have a broken numb hand and a punctured hand too, but I can still break down and hurt myself even more." He put his mouth in a straight line and examined my physical features once more. I probably looked like utter shit.

"Don't mind if I ask...but was it about Ally?"

"Yeah." He sighed, for about the tenth time.

"Have you found anymore information about where she is? Where she's located?"

"Not exactly, no."

"Oh." I nodded. I really wasn't in the mood. I was broken down, tired, and sad beyond my imagination. I could talk to as many people as I wanted, but it still wouldn't erase what that text message had said last night. I looked around the room.

I pictured my dream again, and my temper changed. I rubbed my eyes, trying to erase the image before I have a mental breakdown, causing another hospital visit.

"Louis." My principal said. I looked towards him, and he huffed. "I called your name about 10 times. I'm going to leave you be now to get some rest." I nodded.

"Thanks...um thanks for stopping bye." I wasn't very good at thank you's. He smiled.

"See you on Monday." He stood up from his chair, and walked out of the room.

I placed my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes. I sure as hell don't want more visitors this morning. I just want to be released, and go talk to Paul. I really need to talk to him.

He was much better to talk to than the principal. He was just flat out annoying, Paul understood me. He helped me, literally helped me find her.

I was afraid to fall back asleep, afraid of what I'd see. I just gazed up at the wall, and tried to get my mind off of her. Nowadays that was nearly impossible. She was always on my mind.

Ally's POV:

I laid under my bed sobbing. I wanted to run out of this place and hide in a hole. I didn't want to speak to anyone ever again. At this point who could I even trust?

My mind was completely over. It had shut down to what was only sobs. Louis was still constantly on my mind, but in a bad way. The thought of how Rob had said that he was going to visit Louis. That just made me lose it.

Louis has been talking to the man who has taken my life and ripped it in half. What will even happen if I do get out of here?

As much as I love Louis, I could never feel the same if he ever...touched me. Even if just his hand would lay on my shoulder, I would probably throw it off.

I would never feel the same way after this. And I know Louis would try to act like it would be ok, but he wouldn't be. He would be in an awful state. Though all that's true, I could hug him. He always brought this secure feeling when he wrapped his arms around me.

The door opened, and I silenced my sobs. I didn't know what time it was since I had smashed the clock. I laid under the bed, afraid of my princ- Rob to come in. I couldn't even say principal anymore.

"Allison?" I heard. John. I let out a sigh, that sounded more like a whimper.

"Please go away John." I heard him come closer, and stop before my bed.

"Are you okay?"

"No. Just go away. I've had an awful morning."

"Why is the clock smashed on the ground?"

"Please go."

"Allison talk to me." I threw the covers off of my face and stared up at John who looked like he just saw a dog die.

"Let's see I had an awful dream. A nightmare. So then I saw the clock and threw it. And guess what?! Before I threw it, there was a message on it. I didn't even know. Then when I threw it, I saw the message. I found the key and got out. When I got to the kitchen, he was standing there. I had no blindfold on or anything. And now I know that my fricken principal is the 'boss' and that he is planning on driving Louis crazy!" I was breathing heavily, and he looked sadly at me.

I'm sure my face was all red, and he just looked at me. "You found the note?"

"Yes." I already knew it was from him. He looked down. "I know you meant well, but you made things a whole lot worse." He nodded.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." It actually wasn't. I knew worse things were to come. I was trying to stay calm, and that was easy since I now had nothing to throw at a wall.

"Wow. So you know it's him?"

"Yes." He licked his lips. "What time is it?"

"6 in the morning. He went to go visit," he stopped himself, "never mind."

"I already know." My anger rose as I stared at John. "Please leave. I need time alone."

"Okay." John said with a sympathetic tone. He sat up from the bed, and walked towards the door. I threw the covers over my head in sadness. I heard the door close.

I began to cry again. When will I get out of here? Well that was pretty obvious now.


Awwwww poor Ally. Poor Louis! What are your thoughts on the principal, and what Louis and Ally must be feeling?Comment your thoughts. I love you all! <333

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